All posts by Admin

AE, is bigger ;

r you telling me, you want more..  ….


2 T on You.,


#thee  TP

CY Trump Can $hrill Twin


Once again timing….. me getting paid…<< Plaid>>>>





When i get paid, they;lL Riot on the Right.

#Bunker, Arch∃


÷÷÷÷drink other….÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷

Weakkkkest Link;

RedicinT Medicine,            #Alco,..  …. Call


¢OTTER.. getting Stoned and //[AaaaaPP]\\ pLaYing

“Religion 00R  a poodle ¿?



not a Red Trait, .



“”Mess”….age..$[.99 st. / domain^imminent] Well 

Til, Herd Mentality over “Zoom$;;’

Denial ¢.00 red,@.Sin Citi; Crankkk,       now.  READ..