All posts by Admin

Cold Preposition


(((((@C|o|rny )))]))Fields of DrÆms,

Shit, that’s what gets us Into everything,

dick, dickk, dickkk,

and Kow,

Bruce Jenner, aka  dikkkkΖee,  RHo  /////  Zzz,



#Perfect Stormbringer

PS in Chief..

@idtothekkkitchen. Stat.




MNC’$ in 4 leifF ¢(L) OVE~DRIVEN

[First [Outside || Inside] Last]



What’s FOIL ?

it is the fabric of the Right’s Brain Receptors



Whatevah days the mail in ballots go out in each state, those are the primary nights of columbus

Zzz  ..  ….    ∑xpeditioU$÷¢/Con= Troll ∃∀ backwards R


+ POcket book

+ Aye $      //   .¢

+ smell of tension

====cube====== syfy chanel #9, #9


50 years of         ‘Re@djust’..  …..  2 the Times $quaredu

my ass,  #Chip’$   @¢oY


÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷wall of war mongering

Warm on geriHatrick.innY


Goy        ×            @




I Am Shocked.u

that this has legs…. we know this, they knew this,

÷÷       Grabbed us by the pussy Ball$

Anti Vet as he could be from a bar.

||Fools‘ $hip in mooring.,

÷÷     There’s Your [ $ ;;; ]||mooring


==cagey B.