tastebuddy/ draper like
All posts by Admin
2 points
¢‘ ENTertainteddementia
Righteous Rejectionism
(Goal ≅ T ÷∃nding)^⁴²¹
Thursday Night
Chief Salty Reputation
Mazed some concessionary-change-at-stadi
parking ……….. is 1/2 @ Mill an [[TV RV]]]]
& empty lines of expectation in / / / / / car parking lots
Excitement in the air, > static < home field
Random guy in parking lot leaning on his H………………………Horn.
RU Crazy ?? ???.
4 some ….
Wasted paper in 73 offices
Like Apple pie ala mode, cheese opt.
2 /∀ Fat RU
@ yaaaaaH/ ||《 ☆
gonna get 2 watch most TBehar,, games also.
The “key to African Politics” can be found in
Ijs, it is key shaped. imh
No Bad Karma, #mutual lovers of ‘Rawhide’
of a complete;
Everything Changes: 2 H⇓ge ‘F’ Losses predicted,, for thee righteous
Take Heed, oh lord.
Lady Luck are oh, .. very ;
Showing feelings, this will kkPkk÷Lot due…..$,
=Y’s Choice..
The kick back
was from LADIES,
\ steamin’ /