All posts by Admin

Walla Walla led me thru to University of Utah

everything was Cool at hotel across the street


College kids out back in apartment buildings…


Cool Cool …    Rain


=it’s==2020===Federal Dollars must be available..

⌈ToFix⌉  shiitttt∃




÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷Country top 5÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷

HUMAN RIGHTS/le@fT         B4 hIND G∃ts……….. fat











iff You Will;




Israel has been

ExCommunicatoH for ObV

And have to turn face to support their


Connect the Kkkno÷$$∃$…….

Concoctions Maid…………en Voyage

To payola the Walla Walla without Washington….


Jac(Que)kkkk and Pep. ¢        ‘ID’∀∃ ……©

Birthday [pickkkled BoLogna AND cheese] in ~5 days.


in The Hell

With The Smart Cart

I am sorry, just laughed when I saw one and thought how huey would have a

Field || Day || Goal

If they are who I thinkkkk they R.


T2020ad: [(He’s Doing It Again])……..

     &&&&& Only Really if Big Biz wIns Twin$.00

Btw,     with no construction obstruction at any level of corr

Hence money goto; Rich’ buy land” build cheap”” …

Shock Doctrine EZ P@$$

⌊ yob$ gala ⌉

“GrandFather ¢lause.TL Creators, ……….

                                     CYnic might say they back..log these projects for;

RepUbli¢an Ingenuity.

 R ¢@!n Engine

Note from #¢.@ge. [(Is)] . Y. Btw; (GE) is a L.B.

When is it

[[“$$$$$$$$$$; s@fe””]]]]

togo back to Cali?





N|ae|Ve gentile we are not so classy;   foe sure .ance

Most  ids. .  ..  …   …..KkKNo idea hut hut d[(ae )] R capable of.…..¿.ten^




#Militant Lactose, Home Cold Brew…. bruise


========bad for security worse if GAY


?¿ Nein GAy israeli’s in LA,  Righty Ω