All posts by Admin
can we limit 5G til
we make 6G (&&) Safer.
Free Fox News; $0.00 future of cable cutlery: /// trump live counter programming;;;; luv live evil ||||||||| Salem meet tweety Sociopath // you cannot corner him when he uses one hand // said it // pay for rallies 2016?? //…..chines ∃ hotel bills huh ? fluff my Pillow ;
oh the point,,,,
everytime he brings his hands close i imagine him avoiding HHanDCuff$ in his egg.00
does he do it much moore, micky. // no.
Bee Literal $$share IFF
no more conservative profile cadets…….
÷open ÷circuit // break.err
Canada was mockkkkin you U know, correct.a mundo, spanish speaking Canadians…
does he have a stat for SSC ; ?
I am the best thing since government cheese
in thee depression.
That is My Promise.
Free Scans will be life altering……….for families.
American Made.
Earlier this year, people started noticing something peculiar about MTV’s schedule: The network had quietly morphed into an almost 24/7 offering of just one show. At one point in late June, “Ridiculousness
july of 2020 article, so have we seen change ? % ?
421 channels of F’ OGrifter(R)& (D)
R.I.P. Cable TV:
Why Hollywood Is Slowly
Killing Its Biggest Moneymaker.
I Wanna seal DDat@ Trap Door.
seal the horrible bosses
gloss and blame
××××××××××××××××× = ××××××××××××××××××××
nothing but reruns. outdated pit and pendudumb
I haven’t Fathomed the newBi@s.
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fill in your purchases and assign #’s
just excited for free speech. and calm discussions
DeCorum without the ©©rummy
kkk newBi@s kkkk
Virtue Imperative……………….. words don’t mean much.
..unless to demean ….vie to demean; vitamaen
#’$ , otter people’s money L [( otter pm )]Y
supposedly the numbers are numbing the wrong thingy ////////// Quite weird to wrap my dick around….yet, still no local channels on internet …. they will need to survive. landscape is wide coping, sorry me.
N0 C©¢able TV
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my first comment after seeing an article
Who would be the “Leader”” in News;,.
free ie. no duh, oh. fox news….. ;
Will Do Be
wunder U$ (@∀)©hievement.
fad ; waste of time;; Core Rose Eve.01
“Hot” $…………eat
msnbc, cnn,
age ÷ nt = diminishing returns
fox familiar$, …oon enuF’F ?;,
to get them to change names is a dream.
CHip Po¢^kkkkkkkkk.etiquette
chip off the blockkkkkkkkkkk aid.
core bunch getting left out of deserved puni
net a yahoo, israeli rules rugby
eyes of the world
heave ho…… haeve no sole.
what will they accrue, mot and ley ?
who will they barnacle up to the mic ?
no ₩
fold and end the trail mix
of all my Abuser$$$$$$$$$$$$$$’s
my Wish.
÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷in the end÷÷÷÷÷÷
it was just ∀nti B Me oW;
Righty 0 0H.
so, a timely time for my government cheese allotment to drop to +3 oz
bought a Raw 5 coney isle pack of / for MEGA J@Y.
betta than a white fish, boy i tell Y@.
Biden My Weekkkkkkkkk
dropped my prop
heard some song where they are talking with effect….
that was me when i was 4 i was good with