All posts by Admin
How Are We; Qanon ; more alt me adult diversion…[( we are cool aids )]wtf ^k&nein
the media commercially has become
Foci on discredit Me and my \Viewer Ship/
Sheriff T
unthinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkable molly brown,
<daytona bch>
our investigative reportoire …. Math Science gets a kick;
our undercover team has been scouting reports of secret cabals in # states where someone gets a call about taking part in a poll.
They tell of extravagant flatuations in @nswer$$…
then the cabal has their best week of tweakkkkkk.
//hearsay is my licence to abuse, ÷ – “Hitler””
They Lie , who else takes par…….. .Ty
Hugeness from ________
santa sez
my wish //..senate ? + trump –
gaga \light is on\
hey homeschool brand game
wtf, either Status Quo glue / $ dumbell $\
ranked balloting is a Big Fuckkkkkk Yeah.
education not necessary to understand.
yet media opine…
Who are the out-of-state billionaires backing ranked-choice voting in Massachusetts?
..albeit unlikely donors.
logic over ignorance would show bipartisan ship
or are Dem in name only showing True CCol…our…$
risk ; reward
÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ERR ¢÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷
∃lectoral ®©ollege
is thee
$$ perm of
Gerry B. Mander
btw, thisiswhat happens when you let the
young rich getaway with $$$hite.
= note to: Rushmore
===/=d@y 0ne
unknown prez;
opine wood derby ‘TIlT’. //sez ’tilt’
biden could avoid bubble.
? Trump no know…Ledge..¢
bain of a conservative is stuckkkkkk between a crock and suspense they get called on it.
home scoolD
Ready && Waiting….more rural more .00$ turnip country# uplate; clearly missing linkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk racism they deny is just blind fascism, wtf^ kind of god : due U.? //Whitey Godiv@\\ world wide watching south reenact 2016, #Maine, you Mason Dixxxxxxxxx
‘Left’ Dignity of Dignitary
“Right” Sal V. Oration
ref reign
((((((‘foreign’ ))))