All posts by Admin

Senate Hearing This !!!! Fuck Al FrankensHeinAgrin !!!!

I was channeling greg giraldo when i wrote about the crazy lady across the street….. in my Head.. Power… Powduh ! Foolzzzzzz…


Thank Y’all…. Itzz Been


hear as $well

====I’m now looking for a lawyer to sue trump for not allowing me to make  my due “Rent”, MoFoezzz


and now hack to JC3

The Kids Are,,,,lull……. $win ; @D-Led aka Bee(R)-D(J)azz-=>>[(L)⇔[ED]]

II       ∩   am/pm Arbitration   ∩     [ fist]

..tig[tight,,,,type fist]

=Good Security costs Billions…. 4th DDimesionally Peaking =

==Best TraitorrzZZ…….. P/c….Lans…Go $tranGe===zz_==

=..power of rock and roll, huh….lol


I am the Ultimate Whistle Blower..

Thump-litez R turning as DEAF from $our towers than                                                            the Israelites around jerusalem

==Peeps are Kinda Smilin’===GaZZa, Bee Home, Money===>………H

Whutz the buzz word tell me what’zzz a H….app -mon ?!#@?


=============my Menendez warning kinda Putins the reality of what i believe to be Gaza condition $Wing ==in Foci======= ========Do you Si whut==== i do=====                                                                                                                                                                                                           ======   That’s the most comments about any comment        since

“Chess Pieces Are Dicks!”

==================re=prize TiEZ===============

==playing both endz of ties                                                                                                   for status and quotE

Cagey I MoFoezZz.I..                                                                                                                Culti{mate}ly stuck  I in   I between I bars      I smear(ED)    I   too     I

====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Better Man/child @heart Than Me??? $…WHO?.….Oh -VARY? Clear

I  Still believe in Jewish people…F’Ree All

I don’t think I directly added the capital L with parenthesis after the slang, ‘Jew’   !!  // fuck it, you know what i’m trying to say…                                           i am arbitration [fist]                                                                                                    which means i was inferRING your Paths’ End Zone …………..H

Blood on your hands.??.. Deny it! Pretty Please !

others surround you surely do too!!


let’s deal with the multi-facetED Elephant in your vestibull

educated, educated, educated in what??

war, $,  hatred of competition, Control … to the point of Kaos

$eig WHeil …i can see through y’alll..

I See Motives... mr poirot, i assume

never …. Acquiesce ..always  remember/sting the                                                                                                                        …yadda yadda…yadda ?

Get Over Yourselves ?

No Better than Christians !!

Exactly the Same !

i “smear” that II ….saying, Check, Please !   $lur, …….                                            ..intellectual ga$$$trall integritty ,                                                                                                         on Hold for you ………….look ‘mahvelous’ !!!

How much more  ‘Help US’ can we listen to ?

You are the “castle keepers” …Not Persecuted….Deaf

kkay,  stop your EZ pleasME…. Internal Dial-a-Fog…

get a line of independent thinkers / problem solvers, Master’s Degree students..of Math/Science/CS/..gagahopes and dreams haven’t yet –——      on both sides and every time there is a “burn”…sea like that !

let it go.!!!. or take your ‘sides’ allotted ‘NEXiT’ pass badges

Oui, a peace pipe of thc……….Si?

at the end of first decade…get back to USa


Arrogance fueled by hatred, a madman and his fascist frays.…and Arrogance…Can YouzZZ Smear me now?

and then..Remember…. Hitler and Company

=====>….your..home is really ……sandy……                                                                        go for long drives in the country by the lake ..sea the sights?                              romantic…..amusement parks,,,, disney?

why KNOT??

====get to try some differ…rent due this week…

=========wow, nevah heard stuff hike kiss=tanks.. MIC=====

whut doez hat tell ya..???…. $tttttttttttrike…∑


I drool….cuz.. I Beat SHemp at tare own game/brullez

and from a kid’s point of view, i don’t like to cast aspersions butz , 

somebody is welching on a bet-tor man=hay =hate…⇑..

i hope some re:speck….. My Convictions

==========History 421 ,  Baby BoomerrZ … Love===li[ez]===


=================>=cockroaches…..any? or r they …………?============

results in Gaza Kaos…and Big Purse ramming , not $o Cute, from Hear,                                                   the poor religious kin..

====Social Tie zZ……woo  z  oooo! .?brain fart?.                                                                    … how about letting females be the peace-makers…


..sez the ‘snow BALLS chance in $hell‘….. appeared out of Zen avalranch


When-st You


====Si HuLL========

<<=Go Left at the Υ,  Tuning Fork in the road =>>SSDD, (L)==>>Si??

=====ben from dover writez========

get to the spoon-about 2 $miles outside Berlin, MA and head towards Frankfurt & Bean$town

GO Left at the γ                                                                                                                        y is a why a fork.. fork/spoon, maybe. <===<==                                                                      in the road ==>>SSDD, (L)====>>Si??

========Why is it dark at 4:21 and the only lights out at walmart are right in front of the store??

curious shoppers===want to bee illuminated at …is the ferry from china too full of  junk to fit a few extra big bulbz,??

waiting for your food stamps, this month…money’s white?===BrichEZ., Pleaze====more control douchebaggery…paper only @amherst..Hadme/HadWe/poopZ/FU=Z/complicity hopz..yes Sh=ire, how high…heir furor..===]


ru …oops sorry, dawn of the kushner rock pile concerto


==⇑=⇑=You can’t disc/play  the s../  H  –>ame                                                                                                                           a POWealth,Duh K(R)aut

.                                                           Turns °……………………..$our

====who woulda thunk that Ties had so much Stretchagility======

=====Fascists R a $crew $lut…Ditz a Sway of Life====

.        my competition..@ nothing… POS=>ZzZ

Story tiz they were RationED on Brains……..WHey heard trains…yada dabba due !…CabooZe CZarz ======connected to===== ==================CHeirs’ Long…….Δshort bus∇..

Thump has to $cope he makes twit to my fave freak $Hoe                                   SOHeil ReUnion.. a crying howLo….\ ¿ /,,,,Le,,,MONion

======this has been a stink fartin male Pro duck Son


=====the $/¢ -old Testament……========



Curse Word$..would be my Pats game ..$hy/whine..# live blog=thing=

———Fascist Complicit Planet ——kids don’t go men/end/ez..wait ———–they are not healers….cold fisted $teel (R)(D)(J)..oops. they said..can’t Steal WHattz All $teddy Towerrz—-bear with fuss–


stockholm  on your HotWHeel phOno..Tur…

H…………..uH   bRasH..putin.?.im

…..imp press What .. heirz ……kkk/Now Press, I Azure you

Denounce  fRee/as\Dumb –> Talk About…. Voodoo EconoMICzzzzzZ


======Good Thing, my Shows will be Invite Only========

===my theory is i go onstage as:

unknown comic jr….big paper bag over my head


wear a wrestling facemasks …plural




over/under for impeachment, i think was 9 months or was it a year?

tHUnder ..instaSHam-poo !….

======i also want to paint Heir Back(R)ode to the  Future!=====


My/($$)+($$)\Optic Test

My/(?)Δ(?)\Optic Test

My/($)÷(¢)\Optic Test

…yabba yadda Who————————-

———————=============================================================================================================================So, i’m on the inter-tubular thingie…and my peer in female form appears on my screen…wow… i introduce myself in a way just like i do….

So, this Beautiful Princess uses a High Powered machine gun as an emoticon… as a reply??


I this caught her off gaurd because she thought that she showed their point exactly..we made the gun or sold it to them..NO More!!

i retort:


Auto… Draft     is Not Funny !


like i said she saw Auto and thought …POWER….

here was a chuckle…. then silence…disconnected..






my comment

=====F/M= ≈21 there..full combat knowledge and a ‘certificate’ in Arrogant, Urban guerrilla cookie making…peace..i’m out…..aGrin



=====you get the point??==they wanna bring that guerilla training to USA and 2 its soldiers for domestic strife which they have created by tower..  Writ$ Cracker…ZzZ.

========How Am I Doing, So Far?...t, j

like i said… they are no different than christians… t…whom i have  already spelled out my and in the future                                                            ..organized religion……  Capitalfizzm

Gaza Mentality tis worse than the …. Devil.. !

“Devil” did nothing……Humans under the influence of brainswashbuckling… are cold blooded enablerrzzz of batshitdumb

mandatory service over in Israel, means. free,….. brainwashing….also mandatory..                                                                                                                                                nice glock!,,  my beautiful baby virginal…lofl, please, i’m the bad guy hear…..

not a huge stretch…..Insanity..crazy from the hot seat….

rational people  .. are not there…

Mexico seems safer……more FUN..

I am not trying to solve Israeli issues…

I’m trying to solve ours here in the US….

analyzing your impact here, you cannot be a part of it….now

when we are socialists..come on down..check your hat at the door..


only thing we have to fear is ourselves and getting involved in the crazy muckers across the way………..#Absolute Power===>>Batshit…..



last thing rationalites would do… is Whine to US Again                                    .about..their sandystorm of blight or their Walls of Confuscious,

we are knot your therapistzzzzzz!!!

fuck off!!!!!!!

i say this cuz i hear that trump is gonna “codify” Jerusalem as Israeli ..gears we cannot be a partnerr 2

America doesn’t want your gaza mentality !!!

from within our culture.. u and our fascists are making a quick 4 year dash for your….Wanted Land…capture the flagg…


ENUFF, …..

Jewish Aspiration$  ⊄ Rational US Domestic/ Foreign Policy

Socialism laughs at your predicament..Arrogance and


=MFC=>==G.O.A.T.=girl>>=The J.P. was/is ARROGANT…lol.             Porn Jews PJ..$ are just as Arrogant as BizWizz $mearZZZ=== ======wink,,, smear some more on that bagel…. Arrogance                     …#GsS… filling massive soul holes with cash and it never works, sir…..===Poster Goy of Arrogant, $oulless Chess =BoarED==I bet he went to college and knew everything before he took the first class… never had to change a thing about himself, #surrounds oneself  with the good goys

========Mr. Ferguson, you got paid for that!! ======


Meathead, come over here and tell these good people what you think of organized religion  ?

G, Archie….. wait for the new shite



2 Court.Win


=======I will kkeepp you up to the Massachusetts minute as

DDevelop$centz A FearZ


<<<====What’s the Buzz………..TMWAH….sign goes up here.. a

===They R shrill calculating how to EDrase me from tHIStory===



That GW hope joke is/was my 5 FU’s in ONE, my 5 SB Thingzzz on 5 Finger (all Middle)

. Don’t EVaaaaaaaaah DISSS  \=  = =\<<<==Count ……Whom?    Meso Corny..                                      I shit C.C.  ..don’t figure that one south…⇓



==Me?????=====Bend Know BreakzZ when They FUpp==(Sn.)====

.duh..Magic Mirror $EEZ.  . the baby ruth of ……..T\R/ooth \D/ecay

Heir…..Dr. GoeBeLL….. your beeperr is moving……

powerzz that Beep


—–Dio Sign==========

The Field Goal is Really GooD

=====from Hyannis, BTC


I’m Gettinn E-Trade orr====yeah..i’m orr, the intendeeezzzz are                                                                                                                         kn o/u tz=======


I’m Just Sayinn by the main st sorta by the Sea..

I’mon Fire

==can you re=imagine ,  my pithy epitaph..   FU all the way to your self combusting word  like capitalism …implode……hear pyre

-the greatest is the feds buzz around like “i’m doing something bad…..” Heir RaC=Aye BS is laughable becuz they would already know the second i even thought about acquiring a (cough)……..drop…MIC

//  ladies task Honk lafter MucHo Alcohol Re:                                                                                               “have u evah”

sheen my movie ????  on CubeRube  ??  if you have ever been around me when a movie plays or the tv is on…i can’t help myself from quipping and i am stunningly good..MST is way in my rear askew mirror….. and i have audio recordings from the last 6 months from my star freck…

My live blogging of Thumps SOTU… Brilliant… If I do say Show…

My show would be called:

Mr. Rea, Sy, and ta—Heater

===Live, ∑==  the Cold=of Winter =========

my snap\back\4 strife   ?

c this is all what?????????….

.is that aLL mr .  Period…done. next

Tasking Honk…wiz my def.     Redd ∂ Herring       …… phish-sing ?


Whatzz a $Hit Rope, Mr. Lahey ???

got his cd.. u were bad to the …..! Sir [“LaughAlot”]

===========Final Exam:

Whatt is the Diff between a Red Flag and a Red Herring ???

diss..\gust \<<====<<==== among-st yourselves     i)


Gronk is Cool…..I’d Trade Him  $oonERR… not like Garrapolo….                                  Stay Healthy, Man…!


a Hunk to the Ladies…. &       a Honk …… the rest of us, Heteros

====I am open for Interviews, Press Pull Whomever.. that Trump Doesn’t Like, LOL..Britain….We are A$$hamED of his education 2..

===I’m really trying to end this page of my Lost // Strife ===

Move In…..

Can’t End Here nor Their…….

Gotta Reprise:    MIC droppingzZzzzzzZZZZZZZ


Military IC to U…..

Tear TWITzzz Down….. The MIC is a CoNunDrum of jewish american interest$ that need to be EliminHatred..A$$ Junkies…

This is a final determination of my Thesis:

Military Leaderrzzzzz,

FU, you untruthfull POSzz…

Soldters rule…

Major Fucked in the EDumachination…

Tear down the crying jewish american

ONiON.. Nay Nay Nay…

Peace, KrautZZZZ???

Gaz Fa LA LA pLAy..ERR ZZZ…B–> Bitch $(L)appED …..$i,..Money/Fame≠InteGRIT=EZ…doe$ howLeverr make u Quite…My($$$)optic…

Thir$t >>ON>>Howell at the Loon…….

====My Knewt Optic Test…=====Test My//optic ?====4====$$$//¢=<<=====



They obLivious=lie …..EZpass a lie detector test….


Kkk…NO  W …………Cents!!

of (W)right… Ever!!                                                                                                                                                   in …Big $how


(J)avee=ED the Last 4


totally organic thought process..i shoulda started here but organic to me meant one step on the headlines @A time..

==========Amazed at self 4 missing the fascist thing,,,i guess we all had 2 wait to prove thump was/is a Fucking Spoonatic Fascist and that makes his jockstrapZZ ========Complicitt===Despicable====WTF=>>>


================Batting Clean $upp…4. the Redd $Hockkk$…



∑….Mr. Prize..Am I Know BuLL==ENuFF?



Mighty WHitey…The Great WHite $cope


The Big WigZ: Stay Outta S[light]…==>Diss ==>Spi(t)e(Z__) Err(zzzz)..knot B(R)ightttt..Si, shadow playerrz can’t be.

Miss is how weLL …the $worLd looks back at HussE in USA

==?===$cruplezZz==?==#Me421==?==your Country tasks You?

any Mother $ who worked for da Man in data/capa\city\town\

and U (W)ant …know more… to be a Winner on HistoriCali   Bevil>

+===C $mear  Di$$ is  Go(i)ng.!?!.. it TtoLLz for WE

I’m [abuse]…2      $<<==wing money fretting ⇑
Know Moore… the $eal of Approve<==>aLL                                                               has His$tory and Mine.. >> $heep a..yuh 2   CleanERRzZZ==>> \⇓/                     $ocialBidwhistzzz     <======KKKnoLLL Trump<===<=====<

We on the True Left will now proceed to Lawyer, Sup !!  give lawyerrzzzzzzz , A Great Name…YokezzZ on SmearED==>EZ

Lot ‘0  Cash available…to go around….Mr. Swiss Cheese, Reuben has IT, that You had major acts band from Showcase Live..cuz they had to take the BS about / in my NSA letter to be TRUE know matter what they saw of me, in (R)eality…..jeff lebar (hey, man..Stay COOL..(pool) //You Rule!.., Tom Kiefer, >.it’s the foreigners that caused the shutdown (red herring is people recording shows ==>on trader den,..)   because if they question the NSA Letter, u know come back to US…xtortion..RICO..write UFO?? a conspiracy of Starz?…michael schenker whose father was a philosopher hatez me……cuz i’m bright ??I can be Scary but i saw him there like 4 times and he won’t even shake my hand anymore…So, they never arrested me for smoking weed in front of stage…..even when the Soul crowd @Cinderella moves a sway from moi. to try to get the………u guessed it..the Staties to Pounce….they didn’t..?why?  ask’m 2..none of them…. didn’t want any connection to me that wasn’t [ deny a bull ]..i wish adrian..( edit: $aaron$, freudian Slip) ….was alive..2 talk..sad! he/they all know me..and so do most older patriots.Randy Moss.. know$ me all… going 2 the well..        I just can’t respect a player that dogs practice…                                     Peace…………………..u got your Piece ‘0 P$i…..EzzZZ

==Devil B  in the D-D=tales ………….. t..hey OHM=IT

====<<<======So, i spent an hour in the pool ..Yogging… going over my future testimony….and.. next, i wanna call to the virtual stand………..                                                former UCF Dean,   John Hitt,      remember me ?

Hi, Sir…… you know why u are here?

So,….do you know who i am?   be 4 being questioned by ….. ?                                             have your ..say..,grandkids talked about me.. ? .                                             i was @Ucf from 2000-2008 skipping 2005 or 2006.                                                           as I was  .between /\…./\Degrees.     nice hat, huh? 

$and,…Know,  I was  back here in Massachusetts,                                                                                                                                        nice place, huh?……                                                          …So >..Mr. President, [not PezZ]                                                           Suryou have NO (R)ecollection   …..of M……mr. Sessionzzzzz?


===Tanks, dude====>Be The BaL,L…..(Re:..Box IN Your Face\__



(Read …….., Mighty SpeciaL)****  ~ ~

Jewish billionAirZZZEE backing A Fa$cist =what a G=AZZ a

                                             Mic    ⇓

==If I were Prez========I, arbitrarily, would side with the Palestinians against the Jewish Regimez…    They Sir, Really  NEED To F’n Change $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/Cents….=======Religou$ /=/Arrogance has brought you and your home  state to Fascism===We Would NO Longer back you in your $light of JUSTice… See you in a couple of decades…=Remember, if you use weapons of mass destruction… your fate would be the $H==>aim

====Play $well with others of different everything ????  ?? ?                     We Shell—>Sea                                                                                                         =Sorry, I judge by what I see…Disagree???  How have they been open to Change=I $ense  Blind Hate..Blindzz of Tin..                                                          The underdog izzzz  being Trampled  A-GAIN   ==                 ==Champion of Underdogz…sez.. Poor Palestinians..Rich JewelZZ=>                Case Closed……!!!!

Day 2 of moi Prez DissPence

I’m Just Saying….


<=====Encore <===

==Thump reading to school children=Did Sy ..wut??

Mr. Rea….Sir …. Sy.Sperling on your Heel phone, .excuse me kids. I gotta take this call from a World Seeder…….l’ll be White Hack.. back to reading  From my ….Autobiography…… in a NY mint…….

+===Sy, Fine….Schedule my next (R)ake0ver for 9am.. Tanks…



Did I Deeprive Them to  Mi$$a???>> <====twas==this ==== Heir Only option to combat====< <=========================                                                                        <==My Synaptical Gymnas/t\Quick-Diss-Man/age\ment=<

Twist(R)==> Fascism==> the only swayZZ Hut Capitalwhistzz can (R)e(D)(J)act Socialist populismmmmmm ?

A Kkk(New) Jew Low… History MajorzzZ= ….O=Obliviou-sly ???                              The Fascists ALL Kkknow WHattzz Happenz$Zwing  their worker beez or Antz only See through the  tunnel vision of an..uneducated…i==>ear………… the first thing you learn in a Real College is Don’t Take Shit From Anybody !!!

and Police Yourselves by Example

You R our Future…Mold Us don’t be Molded

==========uneducated are told to…Shut Up, Sit Down… and they dooooooooooooooooooooooooo==================

Smok’em Peace Pipe…Love will kkk(R)eep US 2 Gather Votes

============To paraphrase my commentzZZ===================

True HatERRZZZZ, Hate Competition, which I AM to A(L)(L) $tarZZ…

I have reached a Whaling Wall…Smear…

So, although True of ∼ALL your Power Playerzzz, R Complicit Love $Hacks of Truth and RighteousMe$$…Gaza…Detroit??Baltimore?-wherevah re$i$t  hintzzz R tattlED…FU corpoorhate Douche  dis$,pose of/al .z_z_z……HutzZz ….Diff under Fascism ?

=Truly Sorry !!… lovely Jewish peeps somewhere..(after a joint or 2, i realized WE have alot in common, past/present at home, we are hated from most sides …… we both are strong and prideful..Facing Adversity and Staying True to Beliefs !!

In the US we R moving left quickly behind the SHill-k Curtain

New representation is inevitable and I Am Sooo Proud of OUR Progress….we couldn’t have done it without one another, obvious to anywho paying attention to the pulse of the Nation

<<<===Our====Band<<<=Wagon has Room All-Swayz ===<<===




—-I am not a Monster as they would X=ToLL———-

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\#Pay the Fair \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

But you as wellth as US are judged by our Power Playerzzzz====So==>I feel YOUR SHame!!<==in Fascist ties==                                   ===This is what they believe was needed to keep the “Palace/Tin\Simian$”  here @/On Ebay ..

$$$/¢              dollars over ……….


Jewish Socialists would be Great @  ????  ?? ? //

My one question is, and I have the same question about myself…..

Can You Play Well With Others ?

It will take time to trust, l know…..//////////////////

Tear Down Those your mind….

and be Grateful for the Differences

MIC    ⇓


=======bounced back up like a yo-yo====

………………………..I am that Cool !

===========~=~=Sea by=~=~============

Any Rationale Thinker .. knot Win(kkk)errz                                                                                                     ..My Beliefs.. Trump.. You..(J)(R)ZZZ.  $$hame========>GaGa4Gaza<==$$hame

—I’m..a Prince compared to US Fascists … (D)(R),……..(J),….—

==============they had us a wrapped.. sup ?=====                                        Your Welcome, World… Peace, Love and Genuine Understanding !

=======the Arrogance is where the Indemnity Multiplies=====



===Thank You Good ….Night======


===========Inter=>mission====>Pee !==========




//    (Re)==>CEASSE$$  ⇓

//       (R)==Sie$$$ta






—-BS 2nd Album has ann appropriate instrumental….



<<<—-no one person makes/breaks a REal Movement——-Hut to Tut–>>>— Post (R) Child====∑==aCCo$t ……(D) Now..

A good movement .∑……………………….\every generation is great for intestinal and mental health ?dare?

<<=====i guess, i am using.i/\sing=Military strategy=======

Tear ⇓  B421 ==<<=(R)e(J)=U/0=kkk=en(D)=fate==$tyle=(W)ist=<<



res deserve ation ha$ been Canc–heLL—D…for Use..(R)Zzzzz

======>====So Back to the Bone====0====> [   ?  ]*

can knot be ____*   ? rhymez with Caught ? //==  ¿ ==/\?Who?

<<<===:13==W<===it’s …….. going to the judges!?!  <<<===


Btw, Si Senors and “Seniors”…      SH….Don’t Tell Anyone, Si../Hut/ Those 2 owners (R)  immaterial backerrzz $tackERRz $hove..∑ L..                              PHatt WAL,L…..Just $—(W)a(y?)Zen
=======Complicity/town smear U==?!!==========

Seriously, Mr. Sans-forward                                                                                                               .I Smear,, Lox … your Box…aka.  Kraft and Son…

Remember Me @ training camp chanting.. from 2 feet asway.. [Terry] Glenn Must Go !! @ Bryant College..i was there 40-50 times WATCHING.. swaying ..Ted Johnson,  …. A rookie QB.. no more,,,Ask’em ???!

How Bout,,,,,,(sic) …One More ??                                                                                                  to Tom with nobody else 2 hear… best Parcellian..(MNF)                                                                                                                                                                          The Truth is SHout *** (AskewJew$, LOW/Down)


===Poun…(Ding)Sand !!!

===Mr Rogers Sweater ..sez… Won’t U Be My………♥


—————-Fuck the Ferry, I’m $t-aye/-Win...over-mime..42-1 bout Time


=…(bigg theory)=>>==so my access was someone filed a motion…my access was granted but no  pagez to update..shadow play…….was the motion….denied ?  trying to update my personal info so i actually get note===i===>fed=======>>

=======I get to express my Aaron ttheory…========

So, i’m at Soo many practices @Gillete ..back row of stands always..\stand up\….\Stand\   \ Stout\

SH<==>0       they know of me very well and i bet they can pick out the /FedE/rally (around me )@(t)imez..cuz feds like famous folk 2, .. knowing this.and them..

mother and i went vacationing for the week on martha’s vineyard.. the week b4 Obama…..AH.probably knew this!   Serious!..                                   My mother worked for the secret her schedule…

my Theory….i lived close to him/stadium..

he’s “thinking” /drinking,……that Hey.almost.all the Feds are on MV…limited coverage around attleboro…..

i might get away with this?/


=====The Feds Hate to Have to Play Beli-check-ian====

iEz……………….Weighttttt……………. for Opponent to….∑ F Upp

==========ie,,,,,,,,,,, Miss Fakkke==========

Kill the Winfidel castrozzzz=====Clinton Cigar Writ…..



 tanks Mr. Wuhl !!

the Nation Thanks You !!


Knot So Fast……<====>Doomed to……Fascist pLiez …..,…… Repeat..ED….Lie


It Ain’t Over til All……Pollution ENDz..airwaves and cable spewzz

===========IZzZ Downtown Amherst A F(R)ading=?= ============Do they blame, Moi  ????==== =====Wellth, It can’t be US a $mear=!===Nevah!====                  If we “hurt” and it fits $our Agenda…Wrath of $$$$$!                              Now, Palestinians aren’t close to perfect…Hut,                             They aren’t Germans, So, Check Yourselve$, Jewelzz

===You seem to becoming Hitler-esque.. minus the concentration=>

==@me====People are saying, “Shut Up”.. =============                 ==Not til I See     =Daylight…..til when…Fuck…OFF===

How are my ratings compared to the NFL…?  Simul-blogging games/…..Can U Hear Me Now ?!?   POSzZZZZZZz *****

How are  the Kids ?  smarter than you…just by being young and awake

—McDonalds now allows me to once again, blog from blocking my site is acknow–h/ledge my existance….oopzz

====This folkEZ is …….Hut                                                                                                                               Fuck Off Money and Integritty                                                                       can do 4 discourse in the Digital BitchEZ (W)Age

Aye, Aye (II)????  ?? ?     Jewels and Power Tools of $Hit(L)eRR

power tools, I Can’t Lose, In My head.. Power FooLLLLz  Powerr (x3(


a mother theory….

Everybody Judges You By Your Actionzzz and the                                                                                   Bee==>Action of your Crew
 Trim those MoFo Treeze ! <<==========



======A (L)ame (Fu)KKK PeZZZ (D)iss Pence…next  $$$carrie====



====Did I…..I………………I…..$wiss Miss Any DDawn??

of the Wed

my future is Here, Y’all Hear♥

Balls…∑  ……….Mic DCropped

y’all most done huh? ….Happy Thanksgiving ! …..Peace and Fami…liar ..zZz….a Trumpzzz Eg…Go Sized.∑ Thanks to the Better Half of you for being True!………final projects & finals.===>

If you hear of a Lawyer with                                                                                                                     Brass Balls and in Need of Fame …maybe a grass fed—– ……                                                                                                                    #Talk To Me, Pal

====Peabody, Set 4th the==/ Wayback 2….1   HHS /========

<====Hey,===What ya doing…………playing Pocket Pool?

====>at least, I don’t Play…..Away Games

===============>>>Back 2 $our FutIle (R)==& (D)=========

===============Good4Hell and you can call me… JJ===========

“This is about power and control, not the contract.                                                                                                                             That’s all white noise.”

                                                                                  – NFL Exec

#White Noise                #Red Herring                  # (D)==>Cyst

Youth.. my fans,..                                                                                                                                        I half Seen How U can Surely  “HAunt”  Be A ffective !!!

==Swan==A.B.A. to a $   ………ocialist======>


C= How Mayberry Whitey of Big Bizzzz ….Building Bridgezzz  to kkknot Slightzzz   I’m Mad About SH==>U…            4 star, caviar, think i’m gonna those crazy guyzz                                B $===>Cram Bling=B=Brains and then there’s the players… 
C…Vegas Raiders fans gotta be on the radio tonight..saying..
@ =   pats 30            rai$EZ 0
is health insurance for life ;                                                                                                                 code for…  //don’t go where? …space cryogene$$$Wish
Mr. Davis, sorry, not familiar with your first name…
              When in Vegas,,,,,,,,,,   I Bet
 your GM saved 300 denierr00p$ using looking.comically
                 for power kraut reubenz $wiz cheese management.
========I was a GM !?==================
========                                                                                                                                                                                                                               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
They…/F\all !! , (R)efuse/===>>>(D)efuse\\   ¿ (gotcha-cha) to catch any  Red Herrings from our Poignant Sea….whilst (R)estockin(D) the InTell…I SpockED out of Yearn..Inlet….Under Veil of nothing.. Bright in Font of U… We have just learned to —>Why? PourquoI  ¿
..they HoweL,L  kknow the SynLapse are Starting up yIkezzz                                       the[    ( insert Nascar Event)     ]..WoW                                                                        Gray Matter Lives 2
goodness ..graced  DE, Jr. with a Love of Banana & Mayo…WTPuke……clean up on aisle….. do it my $$$=elve



==Nothing Err-attt—ick =(t)in (t)His Attic==¿!?=/=>>>

Roy  “The Toy …Co(R)nFED=irate  $old==i=err” Moore for Prez !!!

Volun==>tear==>zzz  ==>kneedED…// brains are detrimental hear!

oh wait..err…….He all Sweaty….. JIZz

============B4 Snow============

=====>>>House Hunting…………..for Alliteratez=====>>>

==anybody see me in my used Mighty Whitey==Equinox==>


Peace and  Equanimity

..i can’t wait for DC’$$$Till OG

¤Prime….justCo- Signed …………a …….$99.99 deal……...drum solo……..

Paul Mooney’$ ….         $equintial….$




===on the Homeless Front Steps==\\\ 

u heard of WaterGate and DeflateGate….from the depths of = Taco Smell……….. ..    ⇑     FumiGate      ⇑    ======>

If the CVS in DT Amherst had balls…they’d sue the town for reasonable co$t of public bathroom privilegez and Do Knot red noise around the fact that their are none…..  ?? How Convenient ??.

=======I’m Just Saying;==========





Funnnnnny  Fa$chasm$ for $1000…(R)0L_E of……. EX

A Bridge to Bar:⇑

Video/D\aily Stubb.. Le………

…..Autocratic is NoChoice.

$yndrome from $tockholm on the line, Mr. Prez.                                                                     ===>  when will $(W).IT  Arrive?

hands him the WHack  bone….

Hopefully by 2019 cuz I’ve got Hotels to Fill… just banned me from…hold on…

call the Vice prince=A=Pal… I need to speak to

hot donna…i don’t $care…if she is in Trig class or ….(R)ecess..

IM In Charge, do Whut I say ….knot what some teacher thinks..                                                                                                                                                                                                              this is the US of Alabama Sow

What The Funk is Ska, Anyway  ? 



=Still of the Fright…..









=====Know==>Piece Of Cake,,, When I Surround


=======I Forgot..Just Say Know !! .===Tanks…===youR Tops=



<<==Any Vetting== \0-       /      U     \     H    -0/ == Trump ==>>




Hello, is Diss Mic On ??

FU  Con (we all CU now) ReDress SSDD

Sum Core Trickle D-DownEconoMIC SchtRick======>

Personal Exemptions, this year worth $4,050 each for taxpayers, spouses and children,

                                                                          would be eliminated.

$/Hound Fare….fcol   ???

<<======Wit’$ $end 4 our Elve$====

while car buying in CT yesterday got pulled over for “speeding” ……….and the first thing she sez is…Is that ALL the Marijuana in the car?==WTF==<<=laughing a bit now=

<===========had medical marijuana card from Massachusetts..still thought i was @#%!ED ===Luck=ill=me====i at least had my pot in dispensary packaging===========




So, while doodling I noticed why AJ. oops.. OJ..picked on Clapton==

==and how clumsy that kid was==>JezzzelnECk, .                                  …………………………you bastard,,,              EC is Maude


speaking of caring peeps

=======so Fascism happyendzzz when the wrong Right people persuade  uneducatedz that they can have tangible powerZ over un-wealthyz and get p-p-paid & codge charges/r ??? =====                               ==the weight 2 bait ==> ..Bitch kklife of those uneducat=>fed z  ====this has been happening since foreva smear…shadow playerr$===Fascism isn’t knewt here.. just in tower shadows==Pence, my case finally show$$ them in the mirror at the web/scene of heir allll-t-matezz crime against me but Really Humanity                                                                                 =Mic.. is diss thing on ?====                                                          ==can you hear me now ???  kkknews /whitewash/C->ZZZar$$$ ?==>

storEZ bean unRaveL    \swing\ Fully.. in  Ca$$$H cLown$…across the    Common  ≠  Wealth,..,   ezPEC/(i)/ALLY….. $tell/$Wealth…….chic!

?Know  So?  have they privat-ally deniED anything………..$ignificant???


  Si//cc dividerrzz...

#FU ASSangeL

Did ya hear in BeanTown–>/\—-[$3 million to a church]                                                        Just for casting A SHadow…upon a time


I just Swanna talk to sum one in charge. ie                                                                                    Take Me to the Pilot (cover)                                                                                by PT on E=MCˆ2 …… plus a constant.  btw ..                                                                                                                            Which, i believe is Family


Intellectual  Integrity,,,,,NoWHinezzzzz$moore

[  There is KNOW broom…$$$where???    ],   #man inside the box

====Wear 2==Where to Wear==2=>>COLD<< All—>gReady..

====I, FamE<<<=US, no ZzZ$

Did ya hear the  one where the gov a WoWzz duh. mental health candidHatEZ to achieve tactfully inaddEZquake                                      Pro/know miss/=>$$$hun………..ta..                                                                                                            ……have and become expertzzz in All typez of Guns…R mental health individuals even allowed to get a gun permit ????

ANAFM=CG=>gives Knew meaning to the term Special Options$..                                I C Problemzzz                ……Kan UCFastChasm ??? ICPosse, Si… Come Won Dd….own zzzem… putty…that might explode… C4 ourself…$……WE ALL…think/thought our Country was                                                                                         $$k-mart=Know=err……….                                                                                    our home-known   Blue $Light AnallyWu$$a

Red Apples (boston globe ?? subliminabilitv)...dope, ia mean…..Herrings..Red …… Sea intact…Si? knotz?  “growing”, manufacturing red herrings >.Rings True ..Si Me.

i can see the change of expression on McConnell’s face  as he mimes sympathy over future gun attacks….


Ya WHinkkk

to follow many timezzzz have U heard that term used anyclue

kinda like Centrist….

Won’t Fret, cuz P-Programs now Kknow that Y’all now  know a whole Fail is $our grade bought store  about $tuff…                                                                                   Ho, to ~weaving~ $ound( D)(R)elevant they Bust acknowledge  the Ch-Changes… so as to look and feeL…not RuthLess.. just $mostly TruthLess not very Crass butt berry Putin$wish-Tri-pointzzz


Red Herring

=======use these terms alot….iez… corporate red herring WE Centrusted U POS..point of sale for Heir..loomzz =====Biden, uncle tom$,ClintonzzZ,  Bush twirLzzz..DNC didn’t C that coming People…KkkNO F(R)ienD=Lawyers foresaw…/~\..Yupsa they all knew and told anyone on Heir team as much info as necessary w/o giving as tried to get me to go elsewhere, LA,…..To FinaRealize My Red Herring Fill-Layerr==== ============A$$uch Utter$LEEZZZE =====i’m doing a Checkov  a Job dI/$$\play=$wing===my boring Life…===


======Imagine the Arrogance Pil..ED gone!=============

they kkknow and kkk is my $Way of  saying a.. Mindless Hate                                                     cuzzz  …there are $$000…. Money Red Herringzz,

#the Debt……… #Red Herring…. as I IllusionED 2 earlier


R vs. D

Voter’s Fraud                                                                                                                                          …We know whose da Fraud, Prickzzz ===>Oui>>CUzzzzar


Redd Apple Cusp G=low 0    cuz hare

  DissPLayers of Denializzzzzm$$$

——————-almost untouchable……all moist…speaking of tat



Never get …zzzz.~~Be astute…                                                                      to Heir ASS Tute-L=R/age\D

$ignore&Guile..$teal….. /@/….. WHeeL A..Gin

on the blockzz (Auction) aswin DLeRD


Feeling Rested and a….. Fad …..(t)estED..bill hicks upp STares.                           .Sty-chill ……………..MoFoes..                                                                                                                                                                   Pro Spock Party

=======When on my feet in public====so cold I don’t  think well on my feet to begin with…imagine  Snow !!====>> have i ever mentioned my unwritten mantra..I only sleep with girls that I would Marry.?…              Mostly True…talk to/@ me.??==….still He♥r=ta= ===P-Play==

==in case Just icen’t Speedy…this much money gives ya nightmarez

I, William Charles Higgins, of sound body and mind, on this date, 11/13/17,  declare that 99.9% of ALL my Future Estate earnings                     go towards as follows:

  1.  Establish a Socialist Only     Law MNC  ( 50% of total  Estate )
  2. Create and Fund                                                                                                                                        THE Socialist Party… at least make FDR’s 2nd Bill of                                                     Rights, a Reality ! (49.9% of total Estate)

Signed Electronically and Existentially,

William C. Higgins                                                                                                                                         dob: Sunday, 9/27/64  @ ≈11 am LMH, Natick, MA

–note to family members..for every Billion, you keep a Million…

“Winning” was my fave overheard remark…

Were they being Sarcastic either way ?!!

======= Sn. ===========

the others were good.

i know… verbiage is atrocious


head trauma meant over a career.. snot  get distracted

stand-up 4

don’t be Ignorant about Marijuana and its wonders 2 Medicine


my innerLawyEar:                                                                                                                                  Stop Writing Checks with Currency You No Si                                                                         ie. from the Outhouse..

===lmk if i should have kept the meshuggeneh joke about hell /twitter


I really haven’t changed.  much                                                                                               little more comfortable &  honed as research / learning to Hi  goes                               Sir Real  organic thoughts from diss guy                                                                      .people are weirdly confused.  Now                                                                                                    ..speaking of heads spinning..                                                                   . toes  Gov heads can’t keep up with my synapshtick                              twilight booze zone nightmarez…

Have Another Onez


Players i believe could really benefit from indica strains.. thai (sic) sum

Youcan Call Me…..when my croissant is warm’.

…A Left Frack (R=\  Mine   /== D)



====WH…∑..DD… Our Back====>1,2,free—4===Call===


         CAN L—> Orr /  . ∑  /    〉 …CAN DOOr


Peace … Cake and Edith where aRt Though?


——-MeanHeil back in Gott’em WRitE

==I think y’all will be Great Lawyers…Judges.. ..                                         .WHat Anne Oppurtunity that your Parents Never dREameD …2 BizZ==>>>Eye !!                                                                                                                  Imagine  Nation © <<<==