All posts by Admin

NYE NYJ ….. Peace Plea..s

hut up…

5/5 funny nose honks  props   to  CS of EH, MA.. saw noon show  1st nite NoHo ’18

So, how r you all today…?

Turn the ⊕ Stage,⊗ !? oopC Me


Midnight Blues..might


no good…FG

fake boobs ….if abs nec..

games r ,,,,,,,z waitly


……………quand …C… Dem show confidence in knowing da $Hame Game…………is Power via fear transfer …..they Dew

==the hardest part was waking #empower Found/Nation $upp==

No, ho  peful …will the slipper I found be filled..?

Earache, My Eyes..


.p  drop and short…

=====blount is on philly ??

under throw can  Z  betta than over ….B

=========2 weeks. @42.1holla..parking

.i will blogg next weekend..========Train Trip=====.from ??

===what can i sway..ZZZ

=Cold Shite


D=Fencing Helmet…


Hail $hoop...insert hand ..puppet//

catching on  ?

smokey the Great $light Hope …. joint… coffee..back


BMirror  S4 ep 1 aweTreksome , 2 blah, 3 lust ok

DC both classic !! nice material…a  KicK

====guiseppe’s is now on route 421 now, correct ?  big Delic.. pizza

Big Pharma can’t say  FREE  $0 copay  bs lol

cuz you can’t write free without a        f e e


nice pile thru

A 4 F

Ditt Dat

can’t pick off/on the D, 3 points… sleepyness

harry ur up



Cake Walken


Pi Walken’s Sis

==============P.O.Wealth Club

good point ..against mia he would be on the bench…ware ? C ya Suh


games do go fast…


WBB jan 3, missed last one cuz i was there at 6pm, doh,!!,lol


exhaust  …blows …nice mask if u gotta roll phat



Ref:   #Def[Fed]



Re: Quand Re: Mei

—-waiting on my P/MassAdorED ,   Hip  app                                                                                                           from gNomeFan Security..gaza gogo



Harry and the ..fense



good football next week or boring… ?

-2 ======> Pair a C games??

tough Crowd funny ding

====Happy Ways…Ted..not you, Pete !








Vs. Buff

first quartR:


whatz upp????

d……. fencing


not going heir..t and c  oops

pitts agin

//Fascists K…k…Kn..own 2 burn books                                                                   ..Rationalites might  say fiction is not friction but a means to new perspeck…discuss thing


history is probably tHeiR fave behind Religous..

Revisionairy-fiRst$$$ …..i had a division,,,vision

Re: vision…. Aye Aye Exam..

//oh this Fascism is a phase> huh ?

//FU Now PreCedentL…..washington, george yolk

=========3 Love==know more?========

How’s Stuff,,,in..going???===How do they reconnect their reality path with realwittys’ ? do they def rot from attrition

bt game…====

======i have eternal truthyfresh======



1st on butler

//we r gonna kneed fencing masks Soon!

=====they still ASS Arrogant Now ??at your houseparty


no sound no FG??  //6-3

///  in   Vegas encore poor rusHRated Raiders

butler hike! like

brady hunch….

guiseppe’s pizza ??port orange??

=======weed break TO…TD????

nice coverage 2

==10’s !!====

How  do you sue the media for                                                                knot covering shit..they don’t      0-0    bike !!

=nextus==diss Penced offence // weed?// no passing game? //seperate joints nowdaze,,just trying not 2 spray wit//oopH

when is the first Western MA rec. mary lane shore ..getting a high tide/?/

nice form grandma

nice throw grandpa // not from my perspeck

k faulk jr.

just as good as a perfect one

======RE: Fresh ? RU?====

anybody coming home to amherst for new year’s? lol==where would we meet anyway…?=

can this be read live thru stadium infrastructure ?  blocked?

========who Loves USall ??==first non-anonymous donhateIan >$4.19 gets drinks w. Me in Amherst, MA===

anonymous doesn’t ream to B AHnonymous enuff!?!!

check, Please!

=========nice job all roadways to plow/sanders.. ===

division hell gamez

qb boot

not now

nice footing… like me… high ground

24 with assist// same re: sulk as me

====they shorten 1/2 time..dammmm


sugar me croissant…. poponover


luge olympic hopeful..FD +

====knock on wood==========

hello, jeff.,//jeff,…what?/ jeff. jiffy for smart ..‘moon’ ‘the stand’ egg

golf clap // brady hike

//Giants of  NYC…Jersey?  next weak// big blue where RU????

calmness of it ALL

//      2cope with 1 hope

//  and  then there is butt one 2 best…

// friday next .??   .with ‘Tiny’ lol ….walling holyhood ltm

//   mesugaruknow me ….WoW

///=yoke aHurtL==kids don;t Do nuts                                                   =at my  a next …..Bat-Mitzvah              ======>>                                            He…il==ask Israelis about their Home Draughts?!!!Beer, More On than Thump Tack , he thought they said Tact..b!sharP// ton


//    WaRPeace to all you H/Bonkers fom Yonkers 1pm$unny

///honkers meant to me clowns maybe sublimin ally it hitched a ride on my recent analysis thesis ..pape

///don’t like to pile On to my analysis of US policy..

///except holyhoodtwinky==and little B-ratboy, TV $pokeZ=



===back to back 42it if Wif_    ;          i  









ii vs the Wa/Rr\ants of the $tate

ii vs the Wa/Rr\ants of the $tate

boch——>stern—-jr. jr.–>


#Landsdown⇓ Street Rulezzz

// edit: i meant  …Newbury


========= …thankzzz $pean……so i’m playing along from my castle ..deaf …sand…..  acthung persecution fair GH ike= ====maybe out of field goal strange…butt KKnot Lying .. on past accomplishdentzzzz.===un=TyWing==uH==


===Late Game.. Know SHaim Necessary—> Jut Gut Hut……Ω…$pike


=>==I, MATTER   ====ANTI- MATTER  UPP==Chuck$$$ ====>>>

focus… tough when  ….

step one: Lacknowledge  Moi,  Mr. Nice Goy.. and we kknow why the $lang==gauge

Amarosa [$= iS] a DRed $heirRING  bunt..not $illy  ,,,      Bewary

=========Toilet  BowLL===0==double HSz=========

Pepe Talk Lover=

===can’t listen to z0o 91.1 cuz,,,,,, I’d Ratherr Be Defgh====MCFM


====how are they gonna “forget” this idealtwiththism bog of crainyummy berriez   w/o  creating a distraction to his war wayzzZ ??????

codify jerusalem and move in 2 embassy whole Plan is crossing a big line in a big know NO

that emboldenzzz  I,I. = IIntegritty livez Wonn

==============4pm Sweatzz?====nope 2pm==========

BTW, FU All Liy’n to US bITCHez !!!!









missed the opening TD

the guy from big trouble in  little china…smile weird weirdo


focus on game….

—-heard it on the x broke fcc rulez . I as a live blog podcast haven’t been notified of any——

tough thugz no hugz Fascist life to knot know wealth…

def as the train is heading towards….. Canyon of 1000


gronk know football like that guy


Def of Def ?

====Fribble ScribbWin ???=======

when can we make star wars jokes,,,?

gonna see it again this week

=====wow just got back from smoking a half j with my sweatpants on backwards—-

i  need a dvr…

pouch  sick

===that commercial creeps me Out

yowsa ,,, nice

go for 2, no this gamez about td sss   edit: oops

ground control to major….idcare… the receptionist is a



~~~~~~~~~~~~Mock A Me$$~~[MAM]~~~~~~~~~~~~~


===========hail a Ferry….=============


i just put these underpants on 30 minutes ago… iq FU

bang bang oh my jesse  #81 .. ouch…

he made a football move   being down // edwit: ??lol?

====Snow,.==Love is …….. in the HAir, Sorry !?!=====ChuckL==


=======note to self: emperor quote to….. villainous character….who wrote that ?  derived from?===

don’t miss the Cursor CurDDz..sundayzz after …..Bunchies



Justin Case U MissED Wit ???

My Question Was Rhetorical ……..

Merry Chestnuts and RhetorThickD

dbtr.      Sit ON It !!!!     Ralph  !!!


=======================………………………U Hear

Lumbar humbug !!!!  heat is ….on !!

Here we go round about agin……g


I, Arbitrarily,…

am a Mandrake Root ?!!!!

here’s johnny   !!!!!




opening mono Fog $uckerrzzzz


I had heard a  Scream…….insert foot in Gass


Any ArbitRarified A..GreezZZy…Mint..

would in the US portion of the Penalty Phase…

the Electric Phase. Kids….

include an amount equal to the Nat’LLLL Debt… and a 30 year binding bill , constitutional amendment???

that we will NEVER have a debt again…end of year..write it off                         .. no illusion of delusion… or something like hat…   redo…note to self..

C what i’m saying… put trumps signature on a check that won’t get Re: TS…

Plus A  Trill 4 Me … Even CleveLand…Steven…

for abusing my caboose with ways that will come out eventually                  White,       miss teary

plus my In$ulting, snore, Consulting Cultective Fee

A T-Trill  $$$$$cream….

====NSA AFrayyED====>>








What’s Upp channel 37-1

Corsor Words


Cursore/// ouch


eating ,,,sorry…. mcdonough… good genes


Mia 6

not trading gronk

not looking 4 21 plus date thursday

jamie foxx???

So, missed first 3 points.. Mia yokes 2 personaL…


WTF, one of these things is knot like the other… Gecko

a new chapter of idiocrazy see above

kevin faulk ?

71  has some belt size

what a room in kw… i spent 30 minutes alone up with john yoko elvis and i forget … good meme

which team am i voting for at 4-21?? nice

Wow… think about that play…lofuture loud

weed cutler…?

black napoleon…pimpin’

Kat’s ….

peyton is a bored lame

oh i know about him


my lips are smeared…sorry

Norm !!! finger…


Barnes and Noble,,, nailed it !?

….i meant those guys on the porch when we hall of fame dumbness realized they weren’t the character they ” espoused  “?



really should bee a guy doing that coffee $wing

25 a rookie ?   —stats gal ?

knot a good idea….

my….lack of borders….Trump/Isreally???

if you sit through that POS, you are as pissed as me

holly could blow me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sup??????

Wake and Shake..of baggie

2nd outta Baylor;;;;Sophomore Hump ?

i think they raked drakes …

Asleepless re learn flight


Re: …Turn 2 …The Mender


Hogan……….from my german compounded daily bitchEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

—-sez…Sgt. $Hlitzberger

I KKK=NO ……………..


sat err daze in snow, huh

i saved 15 % on looking …

Brady looking  4 a Bunch…..Monday Lite Brunch

–get here for the game.. w/o distractions…

I can understand Hat

oak to mexico city… that farther ?

doooooh     re: Cutler not getting first down

i know…ez from hear

hurry up, i need another joint…

not really,,, still……

Danger, Chill Robinson,,, SuH!

Robinson from the Hoodie

Whatz Up, Rich  ?

War Games…. what was the s0ul Evolution???

they know what a computer is!! FU




should oh

3rd and Know

EZ Please ME….

Tear …….falling down the Walls

they played Pitts this weak

you R what you R

costly for HFA



i’d give it 2 him


brady  brilliance //hogan’s fault

he’s tryin!

Howard Cosell in bananas


$how am I Due… ? win

============No  Borders or Order$$$———-

Stout !!!!  !! !



===i swear mcdonough and Cult Hat@ pennywise    wuhr     sooo reading / snickering as i posted…weird as COS

ABCing you in

re:   tort ….sUeR… Hatzzz my ESPNN


kids, if you know peeps on the MNF crew…Were they talking about my posts……???  ===Torture to knot acknowledge me any$wear and then do what I kkkno…what they did and will do until stopped by ???????    Kids, this is who you can Plame for every problem you have…derivative of your external Bullshit factoriezzzzz  ====                                              ==ink about IT!!!  =Brim hot======$wish


who?!!    said the tao w/L

========i showed you empathy and you LaughED====

guess that first bunch ………. >>>caught up to you ..Mighty Wick

LLore Checkzz been Re LearnED…


==========indiegogo updates merge=======================


posted by William HigginsDec 12, 2017 • 2:13PM
Whining at Valerie Plame @ Smith College!

Fuck You !!!!  !! !

Please label me as an Anti-Semite !!


Rational thoughts in that article for the most part… The author may be Anti-Semite but his analysis of Jewish domination / abomiNation here is Spot Fucking On as well as that Umass professor and his film. May be Anti-Semetic? Hut, analysis of gorilla and little guerillas here in media….is True !!

Fuck’M ….not endorsing anybody!!

Analyzing Analysis…I Concur !!!!

We Are Not Your Therapist!

Seek introspection and then we can talk….

See Bernie would struggle with this and blacks….I Don’t…not running..just slaying demon$

Peace w/ Clout

posted by William HigginsDec 9, 2017 • 7:32PM
So, I here! Sy wants US A LL to Gaza Fy.. He WantZ Conflict!


#Wall 0 Wealth i $…i

Why not turn the wall into a multi language drive in from both sides………..  …HollyCouldBeBent —                                                                                                                                   4       2    pix of bigg lollypop ?

posted by William HigginsDec 9, 2017 • 9:59AM
Talk About (please) Deaf #WHite Castle.Can U $mear me?


That white castle was a Strea…..m of consciousness as I wrote this!!! lol, H&K


Is DeniaL flowing through the Holey Castle?!!


Please throw in the white howl


My Fists Hurt !




Now, how do I apologize to powerless players of the Jewish persuasion  ???

posted by William HigginsDec 8, 2017 • 7:28PM
The 24 in the New Site, took “k=new” Meaning !

Who was that corrupt president and more importantly, where’s that comedienne Chloe!!!!  !! !

Peace Stout !?!!!


alwayzzz TRY to look at my writings from a delusional prop/agenda\ american=know

Order or Anarchy….How 2 “police”  ?                                                                                                        Not My Choice….they know Hate


still not # Star Wao


beautiful college student @ cumbies… didn’t look 20+ thought……… don’t change 2 much !!!!


So, when will i be contacted as i’m skeptical of lawyers per C me?

i’ll try and be light for the holidaze butt the tax planet Nein from ….C, i can’t stop the Great White buff a ~~Fl~~oh’~~


Talk to Me,, Mr $How

==peak Sing====

anybody a fan of TV38 show back awaze…. Ask the Manager

what about.. the sports reporters (Chi)

===propaganda ≡ prop agenda =======

everybody seeing things for the                                                                                                                        re: imbur$ED Lame Blame /SHA\tame…..d

corroding our sanity


Re: turn to $..ender

I am  clutch!…..More Foe….Cu…   $$$====> ≠   ED



Speaking of Bookie Nightzzzz.

TrumpZzZ Winter Break Reading List


all fake news, can’t be bothered…



Trump Voters Winter Break-FLASK Reading List

what’zzz A ……..Riboflavin, Ralph ?!?





how can they justify my not being allowed to “make” fear and intimidation   perpetuated by them….

Capitalism is all wayz been a conundrum of BS…

However, i am trying to make housing payments and I ran into a

================================                                                                               Wailing Bitch of a Wuhl                                                                                         ================================

Trump is King of All Jews ..right, Howard ??

..$our “Ghost Government”…playing  plinko .wit Us a .”Pinkos”

Not  Doing Anything Remotely Illegal, Just a Bill on Capital Hill.

With supporters who fear governmental/corporate retaliation…

What A Fare Game !??

Rigged the shit sham. All Statez…shadowpowerplay-offs                                              KKKrooKz vs Rational Plights


my  LLC,zZZ     you …..and raises the mistakezzzzz

in tort



gametime 8:30pm

join me for Cu$S Words….