Nancy Kerrigan incident doesn’t happen w/o Completion BassAckWARdzZ Principle of Americano Wiz-Dumb
======Round 15….Ding… Where’s me Dong ?—
No More PicNic….. Sweet Saint Nick of Time……
think of T∀ll the Others HutzZ ..PROccur DD _____ the Truth (F) or Con—$equentiallity=0->
===floor_____ the==⇑======
Howdy Duty:
Hey Lady ! HRC of CI Obey .. ………..K,.Girls, Recess is Over… this is Auntie EME? She’s gonna teach you to “defend yourselves” in battle. ……/ \ .wink >…L
Haspel took part in a now-banned CIA torture program back in 2002. She “oversaw the torture of two terrorism suspects and later took part in an order to destroy videotapes documenting their brutal interrogations at a secret prison in Thailand,” as the New York Times confirmed in 2017, and oversaw brutal interrogations that included waterboarding as a torture method. (Trump has supported the technique.) // first response???? ?? ? Hur….<<<(L)
She might as well have been headmistress of school in longgggg Red Sparrow…good to see people left during torture scenes…old jewish lady among others
She is 2 a Lady … [gas/beanOh…].… Trump is 2 ….. $ CooL
Well Come to my …….. ___ [Roll] [Bones] .. Cat’s Eye… ZzZzzzzz
====aunt charlotte’s husband would
small aisles for RepukEZ, bigger aisles for Dems to make you think there’s a Diff
.College Pussy wants to Move On.. .Others want to Hold on./.Move In… with rare exceptions
CP say… maybe, if you can keep up with me.. afta
Other say…. Get Me The Fuck Outta Here, Now !!
you can see them adding pieces to heir puzzle abound me..
just gotta sit back… .wait. much hike hem ,,,, C me wanna B …
Please @ LeeR @ “scared” fraidiEZ…
I am HOT, the Problem…..$$$ and its Pavlovian /Accumu\-Elation
==== ==
What Bebe’s kids say about SHwit Hear ?? lmFK
i need a 3 character name for our proud group,,,,,,
first ….anyone…
excellent…..strike one for our team….
next ,,,anyone…
K…from the back……
oh K
KK it is ! 2 strikes… no more strikes guys…
Those people might get the wrong idea bout us conservative types
So, Let’s finish this out with a Winner, A Hit !
What have we got guys, gals, kiddies…..
little kid…. points to symbol, Γ and says …………………………………….. that one reminds me of the drawings pappy showed me from back in his day when he used to build them by the dozen…
Nice …..Jimminy !
Swell….That’s ALL Folkes,
We’re Not Racist ’til we draw in the Rope
……been sittin on this since thursday when got behind ∑one
= ======
What’s Up, Doc ? ? ?==========Who Pays You ???
sotta keep ∏˜˜˜˜˜˜SLigh.s˜˜˜˜˜˜∏ t out for DMocZzz….
==========taking notes @ me…
Robin Trower 3/30 rutt rooooooow The Mallett Brothers 04/19/18 10PM
Ana Popovic 04/23/18
Albert Lee 06/14/18 7PM AuntiE JizzleNecK 06/14/18 8PM
An Evening W/Terry Bozzio 09/06/18
==Smoke’m Iff ya GOttem==Edibles if comfortable for 4 hour tour=
====most-lie=Back===- Me=dEars, WHom am I Talkin bout’? RePunZel !?
Be Nicer when i get past intro zZ @ . I am Kind, Man with or without thc..a Weird Knowbody
Sorry to bang this drum..hangover, not with weed
Gotta have fake schema/wrong again…drink,,,,,,,new schema…drink..yes! failed again…blah…drink drink drink new thought drink no thought drink…keepwin the workers happy …drink2windupincruiser
yokeL: Front or … ?
System GrindzZzz
oh yeah my next to last roast bit:
Fuck, …..Republicans suck Murdoch’s Dick so hard i thought i’d ……… do ’em a Personnel flyErr and give’em all a one way ticket to C his Ballsroom
Up cLose
( big pencil dick) ==>\swings out\ JaD-e Fed past ats Howard Stern=0,
or shall i say..
. Mrs. Harding !!!!
!! !
====problem with any Completion Backwards Principle theorists…. is their always ….Looking Bass Ack Wardz
for THE……….connectshwing……Torch /trailer hook-up
=====…ex. the USA has their view of how things should be bow-tied and pristine. and i , tonya…$_0…………….0$
here’s where my plow analOGy starts:
plow comes and keeps pushing problems down the line to next pass…4 outliers./ …[bigger problems] ____
Snow,,???,,,I get back to my hotel room Stoned, Cold and Blue to Lonely find my internet is out…no EZ Jerk tA Knight…
Shrugging, i wandered out to get some ice for my sore shoulders (from lifting my ego all ways…)
Aft going down to (LL) to retrieve a bucket of ice, i hopped back into the elevator…… moved up and abruptly stopped at (L).. the door opens to a ….. Vision…. there she was..[ was that a Genuine Smile…. ? What do i say,,do,,bad breathe??? i sound like a chick i’d make fun of…O’ fuck!!i’m,,,,,F,,,,,,,Calllllllmmmm…breathe ///// \\\\\\\\
Hey no don’t say hey it sounds like hay yadda bing… Cow ..might as sweL,L go stand in the field with the mus…oops, kids stay away from cow’s allways a shitty idea:]
You …. look Rav-wishin…Wow….?!
what’s the celebration? ..nodding towards her hand.. boss through a ‘APres’-Promotion Party ..that turned into……..uhhhhhh….
he would but she wouldn’t say thTHAT ……let’s just get elevating/?ed?….
==========until next mime….======
U look familiar? do i knoW U? Truth but not the correct line here .Well, you either know me or you watch too much tv…
======serious NCAA question==as if…NCAA/NSA=== Is it the draftees or their agent whose. said NO .and where do they get their info ? ..KNOW..
===⇓===C email about my theoretical observations==⇓==
==AchU===my nickname is ‘LOL’=======
=======odd placed lol in text$:====Justice $Wayin’=========
=====⇓=====couldn’t get through much b4 lol====⇓=========
Chancellor Subbaswamy’s statement on workplace bullying
I am an Autistic with a Master’s Degree in Math Education: Community College Track from UCF…… I have been living in the area for approx. 3 years My blog has grown “exponentially” in this time.. It is basically a journal of my thoughts and socialist outlook. I am writing to you after already speaking with the town hall and police department about the Overt insinuations and Bullying perpetuated by umass Fraternities and students aka. conspired throughout the school with verbal incentives,,,,( these will be brought out with lie detector tests… for any court action to follow) occuring in and around your campus….towards me and any [“followers”, fans] who have similar beliefs. The football team has also shown overt “threats” towards me… It may be due to my popularity with alot of female students and the subsequent unwillingness of 18yo recruits to come to a changing socialist landscape which i carry on my shoulders here!
They are “conspiring” to “eliminate” my presence in the area..thru various schemes….a coordinated effort reeks of Conspiracy, Sir
My present concern is with Barney Bash and the safety of myself and like minded citizens with the guts to oppose our Fascist Mis-Leaders.
I will be downtown Amherst promoting my website by My Presence !!!
If attacked by a student of your University or anyone conspiring with any.. especially an athlete or’ll hear from my Lawyers.
In Conclusion, Please look into this matter as it is festering….@UMASS and surrounding areas.
Also, Please possibly put out a text alert that bullying of any nature, .sexual orientation, Gender/Disability, [age] or Political views is [ Verboten ] Everywhere… !!
Thanks for your time,
William Higgins
cell: 774-
==snicker doodles ?=======
Dice Bit……Ladies…you know maybe a few pussy crunches ,,last time my …IDK but it’s like a fuckin’ ………draft in here..catch a cold
===dick size garth….schwing !!!!!==anyone getting super secret subtext of festering joke ?
See my advice to young girls that want to keep their true NOT ME
==where is it?? oops, rewrites All ways ⇑ ======= =======Hots of Copy 2 RE: diss come=BooB-ElatE
olay: younglovers
Ladies, your purse is our curse…..Keep…Hand !
New Uterus…. neuter us
keeping a tight ship, mate…?E?Z?
Rich Bitch rag:
thinks π” true 8 or 9″ is Doing it Able
and girlfriend…… after 27….babe?,
recommends… afta seeing birth footage
c-section / stomach tattoo, or a master seam/……..\stress
=====Tight is not for $Light===Bud=====
//////////’Creepy’///////////males whistlers here…transport them to London and ironically call them bird watchers cuz that’s the ONE thing they’re NOT Looking For!!/////////////////////
====I Love Wit when a plan goes _______==$trange==
speaking of who…MrF. Marino (guitar ..electric violin this tour…Ari.)…musta applied for a visa cuz ‘mid finga’ (meaning you’re on the radar, 180 DEGREES FROM … and… ‘turn the fuckin thing down’!!!) was last seen by me……… of you sir …Peace Americanna=Banana be Pez===
[ i’d love to do a dream on sketch hut itz my Wife now ]
there only reason is they want it to happen when they’re not around so they can try and control and ultimately piggyback (HIckShaW) the reaction/perception (kids this has been insightful for your futures)…
you know if you stalk me you have someone watching U2! ——Electric Eye——–
RICH=EZ knew that !
Just Sayin’
======cops, now that we all know this….should be an open/shut investigation…no red tape holding back crucial evidence, ie. ‘Fake Knews’
sat 24th- first person i see @hotel is…..”federale” TBTF works once!
he give me the “upsidedown finga” whilst using rubbish bin/stir..
the bread may be good but NO
Je Ne Sais Quoi
==========S’il Vous Plais=================
==this is where an assistant would have helpED…healthy ?? oops
==Sen. JM==Get Better Sir.!..Yet,I take many an issue with you , and your complicity, trump, MIC, Torturing ME, You SOB !! Sorry,………… the U.S. Constitution is not a Guideline towards………….
Omniscient Capitalism…SIR !!! WeSalute You !!==Peace……..===
unused JM yokes
Mr. McCain, who has better aim, i mean growl, you or cheney ?
Did you or did you not, sir.. advise Columbus to …move to Ohio ?We Luv It! what about Chappelle..? wtf …..def-con n…… Shit, Roger WaterzZ Moved heir cuz he heard there’s “No JewZzzz”….Guess who THEY hate MORE !!!+++++++________
(greg giraldo .thought wave..agrin .peace)
Rip Van Winkle’s second thought was ‘ Where’s my uncle Johnny Mac ?’
Now that South American HugE MOney is too big to fail, do they have a Lobbyist ??? 421K? my chad..
====[$$X]and …… I’m confronting religous, racial, educational ignorance systemic and anti-humane.Can you kids see the big picture…they truly don’t care…….Gun BrightZZZZ is the tip of the titanic hell you’ve been chosen to naviWAIT !!!! !! !
The Beavers have given up on the Dam and ∀ Went Surfing on . ……….\Wit……………………………………..
==================not socially-correct, i’ll grant hat.wouldn’t like that either….. hut i try…like some haley’s chance in the comet==========@============== bowl
My Supp@rt is Here ..Suck My PopulAce ==============
70’s wednesday/thurs ?? Skin……., thin, sweet,? i swanna …
// 2+ inches snow thurs 2/22
Why? Schedule a comedy concert at night on the day everyone gets outta town ????
mother’s mother fucker – _- movie premise and the thought process..probably already done… hates mother..won’t fuck her..the pussy he came from… butt he schemes to get her back by fucking the pussy she came out of….incest. ..yabba babbabay…
===fictionarium=======trumps son is born..he starts getting weird feelings…itz over after ?watching ? the pregnancy==(Yawn)====brain fart===>heck if i wanted a huge pussy,,i’d be with a porn star.. a PRO…(light goes on)=== Yuck
i hear!@ you’ve got a fire that needs stoking.. a extinguishin’?
===me WoW=========em===?#!
Finish Line Ladies…Both of Us need to try s’more approach…..s
==aftaSex’yDate’========Just Remember Ladies, I’m not one who you bring places to entertain Socialize with other Alpha-S/$ =========Ya Think ÷==============
nothing against any athletes/team..really.. Pourquoi(¿)
Wigz Trump running a ‘precisely’ timed multi-p/l ayered fear machine di$$ —t===> reacti..O..n ⇑ ⇔ ⇓
I Surely, Di$$ Trupt TrumPee../ ~… zz …KKnoW
everything is ‘Time-$en$itive’...codename ‘HUE GGGGG to placate / PluckA,,,, da bass ..and minimize thought/.anal.y.sis/——————- Leak$
Fuck Time, if it can’t take a Joke !!!!
UMass, Aren’t women’s athletes seeing an increase in apps???? ?? ?
=iwas forced last week to go to cop station and try to explain to officer behind glass that I am… ‘Famous’ and hat …… overt actions surround me …and keep an eye on my BACK i’m Autistic and —– -_….Vulnerable.
===now they are double agents…. C ? scary thought that numb highR
——–Gonna B(R)eeD A Second RequesT–!?! ———————- i got punchED, hut now M/Fzz?
what Cha CHa CHAngez ? DumbA$$ezZ ..
=====just pluckin to another BASS======
==—-it will happen……Spoon
whenever the topic goes to dicks ..i leave,, but for this i stay, so…whenever i hear about what a girl does when in the moment she realizes his huge knob, I remember Robin Quivers giggling and saying..uh uh..’where do you think you’re going with that?’..i don’t think so..i think she yanked him “and dropped ’em on the next block.”
========Fuck You=====the $light luvZ to Lie in Wait===
i Love to play Devil’s Advocate…and this time the odd view in this room is from ‘above” C…..
Hey Sui$:
Look, Moron$, He is by the farthest stttttttttttttttttttttttretch of your seemingly [ brilliain’t] peep$ mmminds NOT in my Top 100 selections…. Butt, You Mother’s Mother FuckeRR=$$X have rigged the riggZ of the machines that do the faulty accounting of the accountants boss’s faulty books who then send their hidden profits to the faulty off shore islands in the faulty, i mean falklands.…nice invasion trump..back to the faulty me$$ ….tbc lol…
To make a Mongo Story 42 fuckin Long? short…
He is $$$o 0bviously the only ‘vested veteran” to come out of the experi=ment∀LL [CUbe]... ME of your tortuous smegma folliEZ. ..CompletED
DDew u-GLA$$-Ass Football players Have a Wit out for Moi..????!. [shadow play]
hulks roundhouse “at” ramrod was fucking hilariou$…roid’Zz?
DT near Ramrod and his PROP big white boxing glove….then saw one Line$man w/o whistle “blocking me out”. lining me up with CCTV camera..//. i carumba …snood
======DDraught Pi$$DD
====officer lets look/ go to the tape…….=are those town cctv or private
=====can’t we get along..if they feel i’m gonna effect their “fantasy beerDDraught” ….\drought /status…please…. late round vs FA huh ? lol Sue Me for D=D=i=F=F !!!!=and…. move the fuck monnnnnnnn==skillz or teach….height?!
Don hut confuse Field GoaL,L,$ of College Athletics and Achieving…. End of your plight/fight/retirement guaranF’n T———0,wait a sec,…. …../ H ~~_ Universal Healthcare,….humane plights, human rights, decent conditions, sell that to athletes. ..I’m Just Di$$Mayin !
Sacrifice,……….Change4Real…Got any Gum ???? ?? ?
you must disrupt heir bottom line not mine to move the Pile /shite\
==sat aft==2/10/18===Sacré Bleu=====
pretty french / ?canadian, l bet i pissed them off now canada hates me 3.. girl flipped me off…. topped it off by telling her the greatest word in the world is…… pourquoi
========french waiter on LIS …..pop=============
now if i can get you girls to call me names to my face…PROgress===>
====?==v-day in t-minus 7:15====chris rock special in 10:16=review? no!!!……,ok? yeah, nothin’ special==
==============close=============lol,…..not chris rock below for hhere eye only…
daddy wants hi$$ college daughters to /book/ all3ways weeks in advance for testing and security check matez../wear the belatest technology…. ‘LockEDandDEvoted’ A Chastity-Svelte Armor Apparatus...yup exactly likee princess vespa
Daddy doesn’t haunt 2 tank abutt his little dolls butt being bongoED abound… I C…but they can knot blame me >……FU …3 inputtS… DDon’t attack the Me$$$enger… I’m probably not allowed near dorms…little trumpie trophiez… ⇓ on ….∀ ÷ (L/D.ongggggg Division)………. and ? blame the smart old guy in the minivan [witty]…who whipped yo-use upp and…… Lore Frenzy Cannot BLAME ME….WHere does this @NGER pivot towards ? …….
Great for Therapy, Just Say’in !
As if, Ignorantics, would Ever look outside their bubble, that’s T…
ouch…… there hoes my 15 minutez… of hoEZ?.. oh liberty b/feL,L
⇑ on my way to jam with,… busy shhhED …UL
no worriez …. i see myself as da gatekeeper
updare who gets to choose.\…Aye Aye $kittlez \
[btw, young ones aren’t we as “Adults,” Just Fuckin’ Peachy !]
I Try..loL
Love Ya,…. Demean wit!
. Sucks when everything doesn’t go your ways.. iez. U or Anything ……….meaningful ie_. 411 and my perfect 10
411 ….silly\brilly
=====meet me @ =====
corner O’ ….Ang….St and 421 GoaD
======have 2 forms of id ====j/k======
the darkest hour movie thoughts… Good +
imagine tower $mug faced politicians..yes you droopy..
mitch rider and the dc wheels……./ \ are coming off
having to be Parliament-Hairy ?
talk .interruptED...tttalk debate..on to see that!. PPV
key was interrupted and fluster ring ring goes ppv numbers
are borders /walls/ as obsolete as marriage monogamy?
C Me, Heel Me
=====don’t throw shoes or anyswing @me====
how many weeks of “winter” remaining ? 5+
=====imagine this rain was snow!===Yes===
the Greatest Thinker of the Generation.?..non-scientific..A…Philo..?
Me, Me,.. a Corrupt.Able. A$$ U have me confused w/ hitherr…..—> —–> the High Fa..loot….4Win of ————–> H……….H —> …… $y$temica…
My ‘criminality’ is Pea=fucking NNuTZ. compared to one hour of congress/pez in CHarge [Wit !]
$and long passed..kinda like stories told by John Dunsworth on his cd……………………TalL.distant memoriez..hated authority.. til i EvolvED MyFair\$/pace ( 3rd Stone )
============news hash pipette====
==keep your eye on Hat ~loot~ cuz your team playerrz just handed tRump ~billions~ of petty cash ~unchecked~cash~..=Dump=FuckED =Bright A$$under Bauer Nosez
If athletes are “avoiding” local colleges for fear of being ‘tain-ted’ by my…………/ H ~ _ istrionics …∀ $mear…
His (me,i) Story Wins …in 4-DD
———Regret is ………..——–cya abound…obviously not gonna go into clubb[$$X]—-i’ll Be There.. No Hoes, Please, btBD i wouldn’t give rhianna…. $=wift a second look, Chris..t …. Mr. Rock.. . yuck.gaga.ish..-
separation of church and money..
every town has universal theater for use by all religions that are sanitary…rock groupez
School peRps in a new place , m/just fit …
==⇒==cyclic A ====/ 360° \======= L L==⇒=
An 18 yo……. 9 or a 10, after 3 years hear……6zz and 7zz (brit slang)
Nobody here except me maybe…goes UP for yearZzz
ABillion.. … $toREreZ in the NakkED City, Ya Think ?!#
============need good ones besides all the cumbies cocoa dispensers into drinks are way below OK levels, inspectED ???[Front Page]==Hadley Rules w/ Toffee ..spoiled afta theirs=======
So glad i kept blogging cuz of one crypto-brilliance that summed up what i could never put my eyes on… cuz they hide from the Sun (me) like V amp ire$$$$$$$$$$$$$.00 yeah those cents are boobs that will be inflated when the rent gets DDue ! [$$eX]
now most guyz would have Stopped by now cuz their pussy count
To Me, this would be the reason i can “leave” (short ‘Shite’ ED)
with a clear conscience and get P...laid (playED St. Elsewhere))
Now if everyone ie. ∀H…..HaterZz, had one word to describe WHY i’m eventually “leaving” would be???… Crazy, Dumb, Stupid,..
… Clearly beyond the schools changing shit up to counter my intelligentile/wiz\dumb=stir=up & cannon forget .. Cock-BB=LockeR==zz
btW, “Leaving” means a cycle as the view changes Quarter-flEE==
==as you can tell..time rarely effects me==
and i bet my popularity increases hear year ta …..
you know who you are…ola.. $
==LA BounDD Hopefully !!! Them Not Me, ReRe:s=====
===Hell P ing with D-Tones…….. Putt$—--‘0 //, funny crap
Cuz I know if i had already won my court case vs ‘the Man’.
you’DD Call ta be Briding My Jock…. $♥$……\($$$)-($$$)/
// I’m looking for ‘perfection’….on some level that i aspire ……. nice abs, weight,tone, yoga, charming, you can be…, [[Fu H@er zz ] that wanted to pounce on my perfection word….∀$$ 0 L zZz ]
AOL = my new word….really ∀ 0 L
≈ A$$hole Losers
==========Wheel of Diss Tort Shun====
===Wheel of Miss Fortunate Son=======
===Wheel of Miss Fortune CookiEZ===
=Diss, 4 whateva I Say About my BOO==BLase’ ‘O oper=~$~=
Bottum’$ …. $upp…..
waiting on my …. Day on the Green…. in Court
who has it tougher…me trying to find a “handfooL” of babes.. or All the babes who like me trying to find me ? [Rhett]
my point since day 1
i saw a very warm girl on a very cold day [sorry for the interruption but I, ….I am gonna make a fashion walking food stained clothing that i…..oblivious 2)]