A∀ Aliens have talked
to an Ivy League proFessor.
sadly, Professor He is in jail for vial espionage.
needs an immediate pardon to mediate
prop ! @≡@ side.;BUY SIDE#VODKA
ISraeli Saviors’ Ascendence
if only there was a way i could pay in kind,
the passage to our fixation.
#0utlaw 0ffices of $Ho, Rho & IDKno
now licensed in UAE
#DL; he knows Joe that Tiger Guy.
phoney #999-9999
…. p)ayoffs.
well the schedule is set…..
TB will be visiting the team they call Washington
Honey, get out the good gold
guess whose gonna have dinner with the Don ; ?
the wardens of all the pens in potential areas.;?
good guess, i gue$$
the guy to clean the Ffilth outt@ Mar a Lago
Bodet, i think his name was.
Sh! . the help will T-A-L-L-C-K
Those were the
∃dith yelling; DAYsssssss
nexus@ Juris;
pointing to the Desert Wall image.
#i say
your all’$ Loyalty is a hometown rumour A ..WaY
cabbage patchwork
@; petty whiskkkkkkkkkk of gloves
& A new comfortable reBoot has @ Wide Foot T00.
where the right to live overides the company line. insolence
& &yellow marker
《about here #Duckkkkkkkkkkkk》》》
Shits & GigglEZ
niagra falls, slowly i turned. step by step.
========Ænd of YelloW Keys to Much. FUtur÷
VC ? ¢ u2 Æchtung
Rabies to Civility.
stray much?
betray who ? who you say i betray ? give me names.
i’m just saying your parking tickets are from all over the place,
.00ff the || Raeli
who will he bring in from cheQ ?
r uss ian mafia monets
cuz …….
you se∀… In and Out Burgh.
will Melania be HRC for $Htickin’ ?
for kid$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
what money ? ; [( Return$ )]
late and for services viceroyalled
Welcome, Ladies.. meet me ep
#Politics ‘0 Goodness
&& ad just IGNore G.O.P.