Security…. this area is the safest in the county.
….. they coddle A.C. here!
Security…. this area is the safest in the county.
….. they coddle A.C. here!
B4 Me they Sold $hit with a $$$mile
now <ifwfi>
i Wood get wit expect the Tower is gonna Pi$$……\ a \. .…..
Prince Spaghetti Knee Day
Ju$t Ice Selling $0$hit
Humane Quip Boxcar Willy
===or a Smile=====
Catty Scan mOrrow… ( Bee Hive ) Bee have !
talk to me P \H\ al.. Holdin’ Back Amore Tan A Brooke Perk
but once again we are not talking about hut we all kkkno
just hut u NOW need to showee
= reality is always years ahead of those whose Head is =======0$trich$izED===
Wowsa ⊥
Memba the Election$$$
==Hay Cow=
lmk how many votes i getty ?
flabberGhastED at the time/effort/monies spent on me without spending on anything to help … $$DD
===$amele$$….no H
===let me know when Denial is Controlled==
once again Browbeatings about future sutures my way
something about alot a Change ? ?? IDK
another day in ‘pair au ice’
=====NoHo, Whiteys had already freakED me for an hour==
oh yeah,
Ask any male Yuppie, one question >>> WFI
how many Guppies have you swallowED ???
We Have Unconfmed Reports outta
DC a.Jason.. t*
Deer (R)
$$$0 Many Book Cooks in the Proverbial Kitchen … a High School lunch lady is Next in …….(L)…..ine 4 ….the Supreme Court.
also… the biggest browbeating of ME occurs around Halloween.. these m/f (aggot$) love the cover of anon,,,,on…ymity to Purge their misdirectional anger …
this has been going on since almost week 3 here…
when they began to See
and i beweb that i saw one taping my voice….
(iED.. expect sum prank calls with my voice)
I’m probably giving these Croutons…….? IDea$ ?
Ted Koppel >>> Really !! ?
huh ???
…. oh…
‘Toad’ Couple …
Hold my Call$$$
all these “little” external forces eating away at society… talk about flank stake$$$
Deep !?!
Don’t Look Back in Anger…. Gonna $tart a Revolution from my Bedd
—>>>—Gary Moore: Corridors of Power—<<<—2 the People ?? ?
not supposed to smoke til 3pm morrow… [
Colts vs. Pats as I haven’t got any calls .. about my C.V.
======I LaminatED it Too===========
8:20pm mic on
====”rat fink”==be more specific cuz I walk the Line==
Gronk is obvi. betta than Russ====
FU …….. I’m always ON
Israel Hoover $$$…u…C ?
11 9 yds
he’s doing betta michel
who is Patterson?
sweet.. is that frank reich QB Buffalo ?
russ francis ‘ Howard Cosell…. All World TE ‘
1st and G..
notice a diff .. not stonED
nice to keep’em honest <patterson>
who to shutout ? bill ? who is their best??
=====50/50 to go========
my amp goes to 11
clock to 13
dick to U A2M commercial jeff , call me
====00 – 7=====
funny funny …lol
95 togo
gotta throw it betta so he can run on…
number 11 drops both teams
Pascal… that’s a cool name !! (math legend)
ucla… = have another drink (dry campus, correct… )
Wicked !! lol
i’ll see it 10/16
juke boxed
your car needs a bald ‘fat’ olde guy with a big.…… ♥
Can’t Stand Ya … call me George … $$$anders
=======colon L =====
00 – 14 moon (rob lowe)
nope, no Stand ! chuckL
Fluff and Fold me and your pillows
———-whut to do sunday.. no Pats, WT
===ass ass in deed======
another bad throw
yup 18 in the clutch
serious, that’s Patrick Swayze’s brother … ron howard’s bro like
ass 2 Mass in Weed next week rec weed 21+ only
were they waiting for …me to “abscond ” ?? ? kinda kiddin’
College Women are being
Systemically Disadvantaged <on purpose>
by alcohol / greek male/female douchebag$$$
with the support of the Univ/College and….. Big Biz / Gov
=========they have tapped all electronics so ..Heir ignorance is NOW an illusionary Certainty .. alexa, siri below
does E.A. play Sports ? i wanna go swimming with her..
Beautiful Gal
===points b4 2/1…..1/2 straight 2 ..3
terrible hat by indy HC
Suri & Alexa are DDouble Agent$$$
still here.. no need to go out….yet
=#Fox==Cheap Bastards didn’t take it to Foxborough
========Square = [Fox] Correctamundo====
Win Win All
Ho.. Hum Ho gem
====2 of 2========
cannot wynn data way
i am serious about dry campuses…
no good comes from alcohol on campus [Liars be Plier$]
—i’m-bored bored bored—-
shoop scoop
see big alcohol is in full affect ….. imagine graduating near zero alkiEZ
i’d bet 1/2 umass amherst are close and are frequent Bing.errs
===greeks ..>50%= ?best and brightest?
=====gaga boo boo===striesand/gaga huh ?===
hum dinger
i got Hand
when y’all had Hand… did you care ’bout me ????
fish are electric curious
chung nor mccourty could cover him <Hebron>
olde underthrow (JG TD)
Putin to bed … he’s waiting for Thump…
Game …Set… got a light, ? (Red)
Nice catch 11.. drop was more important doe
Goodnight.. til i hear diff..still Be in Caution Mode @[me](R)$$$t*
======friday morning===nex..u$ ?======
Hot Pot, eh?…toe ing the………. Line, Whine, Fine____t*/Wine
it’s easy to hide truth right in front row…..Control
if in the dark.. they can’t easily show their ddddirty hand$$$
Earthquakes are ….”Good Vibrations” …… Naught !
Tales of Silence
how have y’all not seen these Dbags at Twerkkk ??
C) now i can’t leave til the ‘kids’ are safe…ie…
You kKknoL,L I’m Correct…
Unfixable BS in this Country ] #CollegeCliquEZ$ [ .untiL.L the Liberty Tree is prunED of in term ‘F'(R)ight$
i tried this what… Last Year and got NO Traction..
If I Have a case against somebody threatening me from a$$a student @ the Univ…
Pull pit
=1 year down that road .. so much better campus…Womany=Yup!=
i’m just saying that it is a Nat’L Election point for Bernie
unless y’all want me to…….LOLTM
Nuttin change$$$ H ear… take away greeks and alcohol < Quieter Times, More Discussions outside boxx>
1st a replay:
Narcissist #1 Rule: Don’t Be an Alcoholic !
——The Liquor Win$ !====UR the… iquor
What address..….Do you Gettysburg … when you try to outflank a flanker (me) ?
=====Out O’Bound===>$$$
>>======back to thump Co.=kinda like the 3 “Wise” Lise ,,LiEZ men GOt Lost in the De$$$ert=======>>>
anybody else see a Liquor store sign with a Huge L flickering….
IQ ???? U ?? O’ Really ? snickerdude
if you think my dashcam is for any other reason than traffic.. FU
the pix kinda sucks anyway… so put away your new knew Veil$$$
trans..parent.. C tru
you might think as i do that they (FEDs) would be more PROactive in
…. HanDD-ling #421 BiZzz ???
once again…u kkknow where i live….. wtf..U don’t want to out your guy.Approaching me?… office space..AvAIL. at HDQTRs .. j/k
tell me what restaurant you are buying me food at… pay cash, Lol
i am dare !
excellent free food cancels my diet anyday
They Do KKKnot KKKair headed toward CliF
Imagine all this stuff i’ve said like young boys being raped in mid/high school by bigger ‘friends’. b4 HS even,,,then they become gangY or <silent>,. EPIdem$0$ic (chastity belt for Paul and Paulina) cuz
funny… frats wanted a dialogue when ass rape came up !!! (pre-college ..clarified beaten til submit…. <wait til my Dad gets Home!> <silence>)
[self-defense class – crucial, if kid is small ! do it ! punching not enuff, Rocky!]
young 18yo girls getting ¢runkED @&.”buy” frat=minded=$$$tooLz and sum..sequence….L,L,L,L y? they can !!.
taking REA…L advantage of and then fascist browbeaten in front of little dicked homeboy$ and cowart$ at college$…
Parent$$ Be Ignorant and ???? ?? ? plan to $$$tay D.A.t*.way
think how evil these lemon.’made’ men with ‘no dicks’ treat women..
with no oversight, a fratty “just”(ice) H….as$ 2 “P“erform services for ‘BMOC’
and thu$$$….DO get away with…anything short of G.rape
not blue code (Police)
brown code (HumiLL, join’em.?!!..gang of “shit” mentality for “recovery”)
silence like 2 scoops of Peppermint Patty dealt Wit
C…H…affter 6: ReGRet ]$……Mooch…y[
watching Arc Angels on U-Tube til…….