All posts by Admin
I begged to differ.. ….. AE iou & ~Y
tell me kkkkkkkkkno. he didn’t..
McConnell, you Insurrectionist BasturD
You Used An Unnecessary Keyword !
PUrGE T sounds
The Kardashians;
Changing AMERICA
One Guy At @ Time
this was / is inevitable as the ‘faction’. ao. cult without a personality ……… && christian also.
still drink in’ looking faithfully up to Thee HE÷Man
$uperflu0u$ $am.
$illy $tring$ is his new social media name
these are not those lovable old israelis
or Whateva the FUCK they TweR.
that thursday is now friday.
sine costic letting GO..
have a nice day. sir.
Just a nuttaH semantic monday.
Null Sets without
like an
# zoomba #; yup,
a Bachelor’s Degree in Zoom.
@ Red Not F’Luke Frosted Flake
¢an you cheer me now ?
‘Hotty’ / ¢.Hip pi/
comic sundae
Death Star ](F’lakkkkkkkkke)[ ie. ae. (R) backwards all.
Veil meet Veil ; Touche’
Value Mart
Æ( R)