All posts by Admin

what a ” rock opera “



;   hear        Fat  lady alwaYs sIngs.

sounding twin peaky


………. 《         def         got me tru      》


(∑  thinking how to cook moi.)

True Lie



\\\\ \\ \ HE’S @ TIN BOIL WIZARD there has to be a kick.


FG”‘ are my lonely Salvation against Big ACHU



WNL til it isn’t .. ….Wed )) thank krishna it’S thursday.


good golly          miss cally

muse of deuce # mod       man

groovy gravitty


qui kkk edits…


Quikkkkkkkkk err CredITs






Whut Up.

TY for coming


Makin shite up.





QUIT∃{NE}The Year




bad movies.              alien attackkk..#china

&      @     Trumpsicle Pop


suckkk  ^^#@@@!♥︎  kkkitt




















》》》》 brb 《《《《《《《《

@ skitchen

########IKK. N.############

Sgt  Trump;

get your ass outta that hammock




rotisserie your fatass







//#hammock is spun to @ seal of appreciation

b4 former first lady begins swinging it.









all those talking points come calling

backkk. Slur..

do they equal your Status QuoTE

ie. ae. uoi.. the ‘Tillow Man ?






only a quarter low  down ;& dirty.



$ell a|c  iou  $         waiver


……….                   P. P.    Sacre’ bleu hue