Connect the P#st∂ cuz RICO is their goto
#1 sauce.
–Jerusalem’s LOT–to Endure. w/o Ignorance
tell us a tale
and be gentile.
Connect the P#st∂ cuz RICO is their goto
#1 sauce.
–Jerusalem’s LOT–to Endure. w/o Ignorance
tell us a tale
and be gentile.
Gonna Maku Fall prevue
US citizen
USA first
not Confederated $low to Re/Re
nor amalgamated Zionic Xtension
FucKing’ US of Allegiance
—GET OUT: Kkk rautZzz—–
–》》》^² ——-> Goebel’ and Snidely’
Capitalism isn’t GOD
Anarchy = IsFFael .99 USA .01
aka Suspect ‘
@kkka RICO suave‘
-israel lease raeL is like @ lotto lifer-our Crimae
—-i talk@ line ——of HOPE {Peace}
they ¢………reep
VIE t Con………….G
1/2 scale
.,,,,,,?…??????.????????? wtF
Goodness GracIIous+Ness TLN
we care alot wcal wc@l
They ComPlete LY CARE
//Musk Oil\\ (change)
Diss may ¢©
/Crypto/Shame / Capital/ float / parade
#Floating .ad
Rejects Hitler/ yet following………… T
Dissent ject oR…..Y.
/discus golff
ring ring ringtone \\Well//
newspaper opened to op/ed
lettuce see what the Republicans have been saying ’bout US.
[ ‘Hang’em gLow. ‘]
Ditto. / (hung up)\
/// // / calls back Collect.. from shoe phone.
? kiss my picture : live on 6 pm news.
saying Republicankkknott’ obV
Cash Chamber opens…. money floating ..
monty Stall.
soon…… “brownie /FEMA find$ You.”
‘deal or back to your wheel’
WHO thinks Texas Should get 100% Disaster Relief ? / GOOD/.
Texas hates WHO! here we go agRin.
//// // \R\
‘FaceBookie’ danno. all3gedly betting against ENUff
liberty emu driving; §horty ( on ©all )
his\snowball \needs …..@……..Sled
……. escal skkkating a WAy$
⊆ .//¢itizen /R\ kkkaned \\¶⊇
// /” ((Say my ©oin))’
like visa and mastercard
eLiminated the middlemen
( Visa ) ‘coin’ (MC) ‘coin’