All posts by Admin

ground breaking ground




#banned from

[(Pounding $&)] PSA


did you know 617 area code  ~’   6/17/1775





#–///////////////{//             ////////

funny thing:

parking lot ;  i’m baking in the cold by the harbor…

no idea what time it was……~ 5:21pm


all of a sudden a huge boom and it seemed like something hit the van…


get out walk around back and




i just got

    ¢annonized ~》》poof


   the Constitution,




Bah $toned Immaculate





ME..   .  all about …….           INTEREST.

shell game

5,000 nights since graduated.

     lacklusTer ♡    becomes     [    Jewish Propaganda Nightmare  ]


Q tab ????  ?? ?



one take 2021 //sidenote: shudder film; got through it. )) // little producer asian lady was fired!!..for being great at being annoying. //%lol now. //breathe..

tonight’s episode….
@ Top Down Inference
 Patriarchal Douche: Your Mother’$





:  Q ‘   / taps/







capital riot 2021

looking from

Capital Police

Land of     [               ]    The Dead

[fixate on the looks being shown]

writes itself …..

[their own]

《officers could relate to other boomers》

like broth ranneth off


TK0 GED GRID (good enuff…. {°








Sublimation;   ?   solid $$$

an ((intense))))) amount of exacting

//pressure\\   to           “skip”         STATEs

while leaving gas intact to ‘$$$$$$$’



Capitalism’ $ubLime Sublimation

yes, Capitalism is @ 9-1-1 call for

Clear Abusive Behavior

and the 0perat0r kkk@puts you on hold




//    Texas     Textile be backkkkkkkkk




@ & @ // no good tree/ leaves\  ..

                                     $weets f.00r the $weet.

woUld     .       like some NuTS ??


         .01©        v$.        .02¢ //// Sorry. Waiver.r// Texas Tea Party of Capitalism’ Wisdom ( icile).009999999

Conflict  of  ReconstRuctive

Capitalism:       worth the ‘Penny $.@ved’ ?

Time ?

Effort ?

Air ?


Net Worth is __||——-(#)——-||__

                                                   .      .       .                             Just a bout of eVerything




Rain Continuing… freezing temps overnight..Gott@ Watch out for that ‘Israeli Ice’ #Good thing they come with ”referrals””

?was it last week//

anyone notice the SNL bar scene on the exterior   was

《Q||’uite’ ||lite||⌈r⌉||@||y||》

Stackers   Amherst, MA      ..UMASS….

<<back whwn we drank together..>>

kissing ass

as they shut it off little aft it came on with me inside.

my bitches !!!

chant… &  [  off to ‘MTV’]

##$$pringTimer for $chultZzz



when it sucks.


Lorne  gets paid

  –    Pro.Deuce.r&R