Q ponzzz-i on the BALLòṭ
#Quasi VĆ ong0 ink
Q ponzzz-i on the BALLòṭ
#Quasi VĆ ong0 ink
Constitutes LITtle agitation
Nothing LikKke IT
they don’t B ÷ LI∃, esp. NO₩
2 is a base projection, not a final answer………
#, jury of 12, right ; ? plus alt-
can we utilize a Ranked Ballot system that just failed passing a
non-binding refe((R))))En Dum last year
in Mas${((R))))}&D©Husetts
btw; that was (R) & (DH)
you know longer
do not
put in
Power Of Judgement
on any level
an Israeli
$ant@ cuz;
#affect has no effect
Dilligence E. Fence
one understands it ‘bett@’
0tter gets what it wants! Ok.kk
they got the package deal 2 wit me..