GOP lawmakers frustrated by Rubio & Vance’s absence in judicial nomination votes
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [ GOP RV ] >>>>>>>>,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,
GOP lawmakers frustrated by Rubio & Vance’s absence in judicial nomination votes
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [ GOP RV ] >>>>>>>>,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,
irregardless ’24
Riget Minefield for a blind lemon STAND out there
magaga no care packages
insecure gals
$watchbouy§ ready to POSקe @
& *****taken away by gaslighting~:
any useful means to break free of said Riget whilst on a
0÷÷÷÷÷÷===tightrope cross town=====÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷#1
contin u ally UP fate=D- niled daily
No Regard For Slimming chances for requested help !
actually gives them Glee ¿!
#talk squackkk , fbi chatterboxing, every detail in my life#1
fluck Musk ! unAmerican Mercenary !! chinese informant ?
security !!!!! ~
#$hady GaGa
Gottcha cha cha
playing Scratch and sniff lotto
with Beauty, Truth, and that pulp, Constitution!
#mull agin
AnothE Rr 4 years to Juxtapose with Democrazy
for anyone who Dissents ,
tRue çowards of Civilized Debate
hence, NO TRIAL
Democracy Demands Transparency === Republicannery DDT’§
Ættack the debater when you suckkk at IT !
Bar ========= Low all ow erR$, MR.
Dark Half of Statue of Liberty
Q ponzzz-i on the BALLòṭ
#Quasi VĆ ong0 ink
Constitutes LITtle agitation
Nothing LikKke IT
they don’t B ÷ LI∃, esp. NO₩