All posts by Admin

Cuomo no Mo, a Piers


I  JUST got a Feeling in my Woody .

he pleads,,,,

NEVER unwanted SEX,  consensual


It is the Denials you are DenyinG that

are inapprop.    SCRUP !!


and hypocritical to even himself.  tells all to just resign !

if,   cred allegation…// allegedly,,,,,,,,,  as per usual here





Critical Thinker ??


my fave starting point;   C o G


Physics Courses for Batchelor’s Degree in Science as opposed to ? ‘artist of BS’ ,  jk

Who had a few really good ones ?

———Teachers Teachers



Shaper of Scrup;  mr. derkY

)Æ)): Ashe Nazi’$[@] lunar c.a$h landing


                                      HellΘ …. mitt            //      Mr. Fancy Pant$.



  $TTM. #Scenic South Facing Condo$








Me,  ——–learning chanel #9;


iirony writes itself¡

Hitler felt like an      A+Nazi,     ij think’kkking’

‘Close Thoughts’ one just started with the otteR