T-Bone$ akkk@ thee Velvet Runoff (VR&R)
My T fine.
Rife with ‘Wifes’ 2022-44 hike!
Metrically Speaking;
Pre- Kkk
the Kkk don’t want to give up Dibs on
K ‘
~watts don’t caRe
—-static charges ———————-
How many elections can they Corrupt B4.
the years of Presidential elections: SHUT DOWN that Country.
then you have….. HAND. LL ¢
ijs; negotiate begin$
They wanna let almost all thru with minimal actual oversight.
I Would start at other end in:
Court of Mute AnY∃
H@©kkk Hoes.. ¢.00 @÷e ..x¡$⊥ saint$
mytwatface(plant) — sez U won
CEO 2 Congress Plank ….Bunion ///// Worse than DoD ¿
#ads add up before words come down.
∃verything ZEN
©0pacetic.||takkk ;|| Y 0′
Conduit or Can Do SHite
Run @way // Plankkk …….. ton
mal aria. is in the glare
Heil Tale
which side are you looking from;
shady ? $$$ matter ?
to % contractors ;
hiding dirty money in cement.
kkk no thy profit year$
howl at the ‘loom /}sigh¿/ NIMBY with Bad ‘AYE’ (ss) $.00
Whut is Dirty Monies, BTWaze ? :
Untracable Poof wit Point$.01
sy sperling comm.
necn/10 does a balding covid ladies bit TY.
Welcome to the Machine
LL¢. ieio. W….n B C
MSN #bilbo gates
MSNBC is worth how….L muckkkkk ?
Executives are worth how much since working here ?
putin a dollar on context.
no real cost…..to $coundrel$/Mean$ CIA
—MS N—–BC—–”allaH'”‘—–Cover Charge;
the Comp lament
4 thee man of la mancha
¢at on a hot tin roofaH.
tin roofah ≅ ÆLL.00f@h (bit); byt∃ ?
my quandry is who is in my ear ? cia ? fbi ?
whose zooming whom outside ?
###roll call #####
Red Collar workers who care little about [Big Pixie ]: hix
correct me if i am wrong
caring would demand Clean BOSSES
CARING for kids … Caring.
yet they know they are
cannon fodder: ie. SU@SD! or ? YAF.
little edu means limit input
LikkkkkkkkkeY Likkkey little vikkkey.
Awareness is Elusive too Drunkkkkkkkkk
Happy ; ??????????
Gov R
White Supremacists
Otter Fascists inc. Republicans ‘Heil helm’
~ Criminals Rr # want money, not justice
Core poor rations for @||.
Complacent @
Kids of USA #destination unknown
Gov Cent
America Dem centrist // indian burnt once.
oar our Ways to ‘{Mitzy}‘ Shore. Pauly. lmfao
FuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkED ¢up
pell. 4 grant.edu