Weather …. storm
Whether they likkke ‘it’ or Caught.
Israeli’ are THE A-R-I-S-T-O-C-
Not Now John, We Gotta get on with it.
i wanted to write it down then i walked into my own
Wally World.
the next step aft Peak…
i was Raring to write they then
prob & ably
Tear Others Close Down to Wade the Bog.
see my Hippo in the Room.
#Waterboarded @ssHole sez WHut ?
GED/HS Red Collar 25± 3
Biz like B.Arts Grad 30, check back.
B.Sci Grad Retirement…..O$
OMH doh.
Weed Used To
@lcohol breeds;m
Invest in ?
then i saw a flagg: Impeach Biden
Imagination; 100%
Variables to Bullies
is like Daddy to his kid; prod i g y bully
Worst Nightmare.
compound the variables and you got AnarchY.
Lord of thee Shite Flies
i askkkkk for the billionth time who let the bullies ouT ?
didn’t lik..e what your kids became RULY !!!!!
chip off the old ; Teacher End of Novelty.