Word Association;
Capitalism: Appetite
Purity: Soul Expounding
one word; Capitalism
— toke 2———
Quality: “do i wanna have a good one ?”
one word; Variables
President: Q-@non F.C. One word: Grand
we are the: JUrY
yup, 1 episode in to ‘City on the Hill’ S1
outside the box: ‘degrees of Flea’ as 1 is too common. Much Respect..
Animal Control:
that’s 2 ! do i get the same ? sure !
6 sides just inside the box
thatconcludes the dis ussion of Variables.
See Ya.
Cold Brew Weed
i bet ya didn’t know tat.
Re Vie Wed lock stock and carol
a kKkey Part of the Problem.0¹
platforms where dissent is derailED. FU
mad dogs “60”” Howling in the Larkkk
buy……… (‘F’@(R)) To CC.LOSE
fair play act of 2021
johnny ¢ockkk wRench. exclusionary insurrection channels.
ijs. yabba dubbya gets a ….
.Go….V: 《sez test.ez》
Sedition Luciditty
‘opposite moral views page’ fact comparison
alt view.ai
with a tough out…….. ……. ….. (x)
; ‘is the new arts theater in Honolulu’
Wanna get away
.. . with saying Crazy Shit ?
Republican Poster Child
is HI..ring
Lei Low’ Baskkk it… Win.
Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!