2 years ago ..1 after i arrivED…..this place was plantED darea cuz of the intersectional billboard affect.PropAGEnda.. i’m hear.t0 effectively countertop BBBit.
Amherst the t*=own…works….they just changed the guard from
Lard B0Right to t*∀xi$$$ k_Kno.$$+ent¢_no.deal R=D=L
this should be dare mirror image as hard Right and L are switched
or as notED by many youngsters.. like the star wars new movies … good and bad switched….
========& ‘Den=======
Workers need to know they work ???? ?? ?
Today.. girl with guy tried to start a confrontation at town parking meter..
cars are all wayZ looking for ….badda bingZ ..esp..expensive cars.. DBgg$
StitchEZ Stalk
Hail Fairies are up 1000%
West Wingg seemZ to want me to …..make my move first…
i have hundreds of pages of Moves Made… you have PUnted on Fir$t* Down for……………………………~ 4 QuarterZ
i’m not going on any road with any band til i can sing like (R)oseanne
what do they do there ?