not even micro tit. i will not foe #etanyone of age here.
-+- HumbL V-Rap-t0r…….
$Hame vs. Lame
Take away the SHameLess’$$$ “WHite?” PowDer, // HoeKKKain
same shit DD
lotta interaction comments…
3rd little leaguer.of hour.. doing royal walk across the NYRE crosswalk… i say…
‘Save the Queen” afterwards thought…. ?melania?
note to self:
… never sing with both earphones in !!!! !! !
==== NY’s Resolution !! unless in Man Castle… you kkknoel.. that fascist appreciation society.. top 5 list… it won placed and sho_ED the affective hearts.of mass surveil dance ..
i bet they pluckED a few hundbread .. “heart”$$$t…ring ding dong size no matter hatterS__