Browbeaten,,,,, all over NoHo // today wearing earphones H..tin lizzy catalogue

you will leave town,,,

they just missed me getting out for walk,  a 3 carload full 12 guys/ team? waiting on me @ judies art bah after my post yesterday,,, i noticed ya & that the cctv didn’t cover that area well cuz pick up trucks in way….FU,   ~DT~== => ,,U  <== =~@~DT~*~   4  $$$(H).e(r)(r)

=⇓=storm of the century guy at bus stop in NoHo this week=⇓==⇓=

i am going no where soon….. RESPECT


haymarket……..……et gonna ……..T.-40 min


slept from about 6pm til   9:22am   Oopsy

1 more try…today……. clean and “shaven’   .

no more comments cuz there A,L,L piss and moaning !

where’s my ______ ?


The Funniest Iron…….Y

of all this Police OT, drug use contraband (Kkk)ickbacks ….                                                              and (all round) (W)hitey Bulge(R)

it is EX-pensive to (L)ive hear me now and believe me swoon emuff

In Conclusion….. Capitalism has some deep deep hidden …. @hole$