Field Gates…. Yates..Hopening
draw was full
==across… thru mason – dixon Line… chuck-L=
cool bear beans
//////waiver wire tapping/////////
=======no gronk===============
nice camera placement ….stadium overhang
// ‘beetle’… pats postgame radio guy sez that chi- soldier field has the // worst camera angles in the league… data…
// all most never get that commentary on tv.. air, chuck…
billy ,,in,,,commercial
===Pats have gov connections so they knew……
and finally saw the light. // Wight, Isle
when my WP password “predicted” the comeback win in SB
—————-if i evah have a band …..we’ll start at my home.. Showcase Live———–as whi’F”F”——====
i was just gonna make an ‘I’ comment…
fumbled to I=Team
===annoyED vs. ===Ill====ill===
ill annoy
neva eva ask a black person to “make” you a Tuna Sandwich … Fom $cratch !!
====you know me==⇑==
timing is eva
==pats sb qb dare.. against buddy==tony eason
keep’em Home More All
tater no chips please (wise)
====un beli[check symbol] penalti======
–due dilli..peeps..@showcase alive
a maze in… sum buddy talk to me who passed by.. the .. Bah
that’s howl………………………….
a tie PLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzZZZZZZ
- Roc-kkkneeD, newt
i was always a fan of his Halfback…. Hunch..Y
Wtf pass on 4 and 1
don’t wanna make any more A.H. comments… but i bet he didn’t try that balls shit with brady or gronk or bigger peep$
anybody believe females real ones feinfucker…
couldn’t have handled my hunch..back
Betta !!!! !! !
TimeZzzz Up …. Male…fiss [ y ent A$$$ not allowED ]
5 syllable tackle
bill would like an Assante comment…
whose the TE for pats now… ghost
to the thought of My First House
54 Power
marky mark me Kraut*…… not his Wurst
mini me 1/2 54 =
jackson up // ??? ?
gilmore down
// [w/o coach’$ All-22 game film.?.. Mall Fluff unless an ex-player?]
sum buddy talk to me who passed by.. the .. Bah
White is playing like a ‘ Billenial ‘Patriot
Dane Cookie …is a terrible comedian
======make it what you …..===============
Ron White just put in a cookie cutter special…Hi? can’t suck,,,
Fluff your Pil,,,,,,low$ ???? ?? ?
mayor raymond
Whose Insuring our Tru$$$t*
oh yeah..”I Feel Betrayed”… comment
1st or A-Tray Trust both WAy$
B-tray Broken Trust or (R)ust*
—-where was my A astray H
=====U enabled this medio acre media===========
Betray der$ of U$ ..maybe U
the mirror first, $ir..//. [would be my reply]
//i wouldn’t answer a comment like that w/o lotsa totZ
// I understood that one !!!! !! !
Door #1
=====It HurtZz… How… How Could U.. ??
said Indigenous Indians==(II)===
Jeff ‘AA-M is a Leftie… dick is crockie
that is all on the QB
i did not know that.. 1st road win
-======// post scribal============
the buffalo bills knew what’s correct… jim kelly’s home/disc…go..
famous peeps Kkk @n’t go $$$ocial like olde daze..
Care and Caron, Richard, Sir my proof and logic teacher.. wrote the text