B4 Me they Sold $hit with a $$$mile
now <ifwfi>
i Wood get wit expect the Tower is gonna Pi$$……\ a \. .…..
Prince Spaghetti Knee Day
Ju$t Ice Selling $0$hit
Humane Quip Boxcar Willy
===or a Smile=====
Catty Scan mOrrow… ( Bee Hive ) Bee have !
talk to me P \H\ al.. Holdin’ Back Amore Tan A Brooke Perk
but once again we are not talking about hut we all kkkno
just hut u NOW need to showee
= reality is always years ahead of those whose Head is =======0$trich$izED===
Wowsa ⊥
Memba the Election$$$
==Hay Cow=
lmk how many votes i getty ?
flabberGhastED at the time/effort/monies spent on me without spending on anything to help … $$DD
===$amele$$….no H
===let me know when Denial is Controlled==
once again Browbeatings about future sutures my way
something about alot a Change ? ?? IDK