Sooner than ………, Cya

not supposed to smoke til 3pm morrow…   [

Colts vs. Pats as I haven’t got any calls .. about my C.V.

======I LaminatED it Too===========

8:20pm mic on

====”rat fink”==be more specific cuz I walk the Line==

Gronk is obvi. betta than Russ====


FU …….. I’m always ON

Israel Hoover      $$$…u…C   ?



11  9 yds


he’s doing betta  michel

who is Patterson?

sweet.. is that frank reich  QB Buffalo  ?

russ francis    ‘ Howard Cosell…. All World TE ‘

1st and G..

notice a diff .. not stonED

nice to keep’em honest <patterson>

who to shutout ?  bill ?  who is their best??

=====50/50 to go========


my amp goes to 11

clock to 13

dick to  U   A2M commercial    jeff , call me

====00 – 7=====



funny funny …lol

95 togo


gotta throw it betta so he can run on…

number 11 drops    both teams

Pascal… that’s a cool name !! (math legend)

ucla… = have another drink  (dry campus, correct… )

Wicked !!  lol

i’ll see it 10/16

juke boxed


your car needs a bald ‘fat’ olde guy with a big.…… ♥

Can’t Stand Ya … call me   George … $$$anders

=======colon  L =====


00 – 14    moon (rob lowe)

nope, no Stand !  chuckL

Fluff and Fold me and your pillows

———-whut to do sunday.. no Pats, WT

===ass ass in  deed======

another bad throw


yup  18 in the clutch

serious,  that’s Patrick Swayze’s brother … ron howard’s bro like

ass 2 Mass in  Weed   next week  rec weed  21+ only

were they waiting for …me to “abscond ”  ?? ? kinda kiddin’

College Women are being

Systemically Disadvantaged  <on purpose>

by alcohol / greek  male/female douchebag$$$

with the support of the Univ/College and….. Big Biz / Gov

=========they have tapped all electronics so ..Heir ignorance is   NOW  an illusionary Certainty .. alexa, siri below

does E.A. play Sports ? i wanna go swimming with her..

Beautiful Gal

===points b4 2/1…..1/2   straight 2 ..3

terrible hat by indy HC

Suri & Alexa are         DDouble Agent$$$

still here.. no need to go out….yet

=#Fox==Cheap Bastards didn’t take it to Foxborough

========Square   =  [Fox]               Correctamundo====

Win Win All

Ho.. Hum Ho gem

====2 of 2========

cannot wynn data way




i am serious about dry campuses…

no good comes from alcohol on campus  [Liars be Plier$]

—i’m-bored bored bored—-


shoop scoop

see big alcohol is in full affect ….. imagine graduating near zero alkiEZ

i’d bet 1/2 umass amherst are close and are frequent Bing.errs

===greeks ..>50%= ?best and brightest?

=====gaga boo boo===striesand/gaga huh ?===



hum dinger


i got Hand


when y’all had Hand… did you care ’bout me    ????


fish are electric curious


chung nor mccourty could cover him <Hebron>


olde underthrow  (JG TD)


Putin to bed  … he’s waiting for Thump…


Game …Set… got a light,  ? (Red)


Nice catch 11.. drop was more important doe


Goodnight.. til i hear diff..still  Be in  Caution Mode @[me](R)$$$t*

======friday morning===nex..u$ ?======

Hot          Pot, eh?…toe ing the………. Line, Whine, Fine____t*/Wine





it’s easy to hide truth right in front row…..Control

if in the dark.. they can’t easily show their ddddirty hand$$$


Earthquakes are ….”Good Vibrations”  ……         Naught !