1st a replay:
Narcissist #1 Rule: Don’t Be an Alcoholic !
——The Liquor Win$ !====UR the… iquor
What address..….Do you Gettysburg … when you try to outflank a flanker (me) ?
=====Out O’Bound===>$$$
>>======back to thump Co.=kinda like the 3 “Wise” Lise ,,LiEZ men GOt Lost in the De$$$ert=======>>>
anybody else see a Liquor store sign with a Huge L flickering….
IQ ???? U ?? O’ Really ? snickerdude
if you think my dashcam is for any other reason than traffic.. FU
the pix kinda sucks anyway… so put away your new knew Veil$$$
trans..parent.. C tru
you might think as i do that they (FEDs) would be more PROactive in
…. HanDD-ling #421 BiZzz ???
once again…u kkknow where i live….. wtf..U don’t want to out your guy.Approaching me?… office space..AvAIL. at HDQTRs .. j/k
tell me what restaurant you are buying me food at… pay cash, Lol
i am dare !
excellent free food cancels my diet anyday
They Do KKKnot KKKair headed toward CliF
Imagine all this stuff i’ve said like young boys being raped in mid/high school by bigger ‘friends’. b4 HS even,,,then they become gangY or <silent>,. EPIdem$0$ic (chastity belt for Paul and Paulina) cuz
funny… frats wanted a dialogue when ass rape came up !!! (pre-college ..clarified beaten til submit…. <wait til my Dad gets Home!> <silence>)
[self-defense class – crucial, if kid is small ! do it ! punching not enuff, Rocky!]
young 18yo girls getting ¢runkED @&.”buy” frat=minded=$$$tooLz and sum..sequence….L,L,L,L y? they can !!.
taking REA…L advantage of and then fascist browbeaten in front of little dicked homeboy$ and cowart$ at college$…
Parent$$ Be Ignorant and ???? ?? ? plan to $$$tay D.A.t*.way
think how evil these lemon.’made’ men with ‘no dicks’ treat women..
with no oversight, a fratty “just”(ice) H….as$ 2 “P“erform services for ‘BMOC’
and thu$$$….DO get away with…anything short of G.rape
not blue code (Police)
brown code (HumiLL, join’em.?!!..gang of “shit” mentality for “recovery”)
silence like 2 scoops of Peppermint Patty dealt Wit