Sgt. Schultz & I @Amerst

I Knnnnno Nuuuuuthing ;

si … tiskkk TisKkk

is why my confidence level is uppC

this year…. Mad Brilliance…a sign..

=====i am greeeeaaaatttt. tony the $oprano–

how about we “make” all females fit to tie me up/down/sideways

so the fat lady can’t ….  sing //  sign hear ????  ?? ¿

  /my add//

Ricotta (sign) or  AD    need$$$ & Mustard,?? ?,,Grey poOPoun .??? ??.


see what i …….mean ..?   .k(no)w  ?  it’s Direct [ to VimeaoL]


kid talking on phone…

” make a good impression”….


i ..blurt out….

Plaster Caster

which begs the question,,

is it safe to laser print my dick for ddistributtaction



i saw the first 5 minutes of fahrenheit 9/11 $ell $ea..[U$]…ts

??? and that’s why gavin left her ???j/k

=======Trump  – “unbelievable”….i left… rightly¿¡

<=====capitalist..$whine On==religion====>


bthaytidRe$$_ LA.. no hey