Amazing Disgrace: ≈ Russian: commie sympathizerR§: Chinese/south african/ cuban commies: White House Bugatti



Bannon   ran to KkkREMlin, aft warrants for his arrest:

no₩, senioR Ump advisor to TRump


Peking,  O’ ¢hina’ “crack “SSpecial ENVoy,

Elon gated Communist. && our Felon


Chinese Child [( lab¿ign0r )] Commie,  ELon off to Space Himself as NecessaRU


#rRUssian MOb, in NJ going to school here at UMASs


not going South, likkke dare PARent§.

Felon Trump wants those $INfluenz@ Bros. in Romania to walk free in Florida, using diplo MACY’s of Krem de la kremLIN

TruMP   payback debt to  #Russian Mob influ : FEncE


Rubio is a Cuban commie sympathizer

Vetting Russians :

lol to thee Moon  given to Judas’ back erR$



Only thing worse ;; Would be if they nominated a




M ÷ c C×A _ R + T , H. Y  hearings