Empathy……….is for Devil

Insanity-    …i mean    Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm   ???

Check, Please !!!!  !! !

Alexa, Stop the PressEZ !!!

These Politicians are just,,,,,,, $$..oh….Suckce$$….FU,L,L


FUCK YOU    & your contributing   Re, Re $$$

========UnbeiWEbervilla====⇑==                                                                                         ==i mean FU2 mimes  Maddow= Dickless Prick ==anybody still listen to this “ex-hosED” Lesbian==Conniving =Centrist Clinton licking Cunt=====


I WANNA B SPINE-FREE                                                                                2 Do Hut, …                                      ⇐   I Di$ P⇑ea$e  ⇒

   – not delivering this                                                                                Dam⇓ PiZZa  … Hike !! ?….

channeL changed .new dish gets a w=ritter more channels and weird ones..flew

Ball…?!??                                                                                                .Ump$$$ B…L….in Dit

In Unison We yellED back……$-T—(R






======$leeping My Way to  A ...$leep….





Demographic Dream of a world where everyone is                                                            GuaranFuckinTeeD a job…..

working deaLing  for/with  the Devil

and the thing that struck me most was how far they moved………………………………………..yeah spend our money on infrastructure …jobs for decades.

..Doesn’t Change a FUCK U $in Thing !!!!  !! !



note hump:

does porn star’s pussy become a True Glory Hole afta  …ole.? i did it

Bowling League of Justice …umm   Dept. of Justice

Wanna See A Racist get confusED???F in ED  Tell him that seemingly 2 slices of white bread can go into the oven                                                                                          and come out Charles Barkley..    Donnie.Darko,2,

Capital/Empire PivoT toward$ Fascism whenever Socialism occurs and then /    Re$orT       \……   Frack to Capitalism….. That’s Heir Playbook , i ‘Hacked’ from the now deFunk Capitalism or Bust telemarketing / debt collection Empire of Yugo Slavia, the famed Russian Ex-KGBFF who Now Lives on an Airplane Glider  $lip-$treaming


TrainTrips.com across Canada … ladies, will you meet me at the station ??? Clarksville..?.where?who’s slingin’ $   $   $  ..Hit !!?


Make infrastructure the whole future…University is  Only  for  Eliti$$$TzZ …..eventually dumb down the population to manual labor and then poof…. Co-Mi$$ion Comp-lete

-=  -=-=  -=-=-=-=                                                                                                                                               show me your ,,,,,,,,,



I,R, ease ………L



===Ego, sez i had a dream where I went to a Amsterdam prostitute and when i came she was …idk, i was wasted…..’bagging my jizz’ and i heard someone say…flash-freeze it now, this guy has a HUge bounty … they put the frozen bag into a cooler …

5 months later i get a court summons from an Amsterdam girl from …….Slovenia asking for support for OUR Child !!!

9 months later… my jizz turned up in a murder investigation in DC

‘I Must Have Magic Jizz’, I said to anyone who’d listen….

=======beware baggied jazz collectorzZ====$=ill=Y???=Brilly==AntZz Y in Me … ====

==/            /====


lady in parking lot boltwood sez ..why now???…. “Lock the Door Behind You? …

I retort for sum reason...ltm

I usually lock the door in front of me                                                                                                                           ..i get confused that way..   bump…bump…[lockED]..bump..?? insanity?/practice?

–    =     +   Completion Backwards PrAnCip=/L\e


ΓΓΓΓ  ΓΓ Γ        EmpiricaL Evident-P[ .. ]lie


..$cotty, ZZZZip !!



