Don’t Blame ….. [Me]$$=Anger …………….. but they DO………. cuz heir BUBBle was exposed to the lie… light… vice prez, me,,,,,me ? ? ?

   Why Am I Evil, ??  as yelled Humerous times…

I  am the opposite….available always

============= Live=======No Lie====

===========C Me….. Healers..not HeeLzz==========

Where are the …….?==Restaurants????  ?? ?   IDK of any @

Bon Appetit===Good–/  /==Grief…

..(jogging on side of pool while..what are U doin?   ..Alot     Great…?


 Hooters Girls of CT and BeyoncDDe Show me love on D,L,? 


======Dumb and Dumber Bus..O’           …WAU????  ?? ?=====


C, I can say almost anything on here…..but in Real Life,


Gentle Defiant


I Guess We can officially say ……….                                                                                                          Ma$$achu$$et,t$ i$n'(t)  Very F’n (L)iberal….

Kennedy’s 2 are complicit by association …..C@Cub


======What’s a worse first date subway or chappaquidick ?=====

Ma$$ a2$et$………..bought and sold by WHealthy Ra RaCistzZZ

….————————-Yes, Sir >..i DDemean Lance———————–….

Vice President,,,, over-qualifiED … Maybe ??

===I Adieu, Carry A WHOle Pot O’ Elect-Moral…===