]¬.._[ In-Grate A-Da-Vida ]⊗[Whipped Creamery]⊗[Femi Nazism]⊗[Femi-Nein]¬ ___

There’s always a zillion other places you can …………………………….2                                        …Alldays Free to Leave Anytime…                                                                                                No                                                   Pressure …..

Ditto $merely … Where to visit first…?


=============Truth ~Hertz~ ==========

======Don’t Blame the Me$$=Anger======


Where’s my Donors..see once they’ve got the McCarthyism Down pat and Active…in the vine all was ……

Brow beatings Hourly   …..  Platitudes …..$uck’em Cup

You all lose..daily…U kNOw it also…yet

Bendover…Yes sir      & I’ll be Early Tomorrow $aviour ye$ $ir Re:



Acknowledging Me..as if..they wanted Quick Sack……..

by knot…..

They gots a fiddle OT in ………………………………….

Or Well…they might have

Had to recalculate   heir. Collective Narcissism .               .Fuck That..                                    . I hair spray ..vomit.frequently       ( butt)  $o,  Hut                                                 I’m the seventh son of..a ..

+++++++now now be nice to your …..”fair weather fans”…..

=======Imagine how i’d be treated $$$mear                                                          if i wasn’t from MA with a Master’s Degree inna gadda da Reality   ===Si,       Ignore     eh ?

.. Love Ya, Mean It

Can I $top once again to bring up the ELephant in the Room

whole diff tonya hardingness……     

….my ………………

                          Civil Rights Abuse Case

====0 donors, 0 dollars===Pourqoui====I’m= Rich???, Please!!===

===Livin’ in a Van Down by the River==================

Remember….Where to visit first…?

No hair …off….injun scalp..tonto..or Montreal  L.A.

See.. Now I Damn Sure Need Security.                           .A$$E$

Sue We?U?WHo?  need to pay for Tonya Harding’s old  cia op/middleman. now outta jail..C..good grief                                                                                 who should i send the Bill of Tale …….2   ?

Enemies with   Money, Power, Morale$$, You Know………..U

Smile now Trump, You are  …….

also,   Directly Responsible for Everything from                                                                                                 my shadows to My Schindler’s lisp….tru                                    My “Reverse McCarthyism Blacklist” ! POTUS


my estimation of the daily dome cast over me  from purely monetary perspeck has go to be billions and now i ‘relocate”.. …

one for you ..one for victim! Height?

Political Views, i will assert has always been the true nature of my substantially increased…coverage..ever since college days at UCF !

Political Views !    Autism don’t change much…. Redd Flagg


My Estate should have no problem with the broad picture..but the story from Norton, and the beginning of coverage……unless the government mis”filED” it! is Ripe with taking advantage of a government employee’s alcoholism and not getting her the treatment she so dearly needed (death cert.) (they knew …..so many days)

and surprise..manipulated her….with “Wikipedia BS”,………..

do the right thing (what i’m told)…

against her Disabled son,

her job,

her retirement,

her …$world.

….this is a loving lady who cannot get away from the bully sales pitch.

….EZ Pickens.

…(in pocket)

now swan 2 $our Targét,   Moi..

details i’ll leave til….later

And once again….99.99% of my future estate  Will go towards a Socialist Only MNC with ultra oversight     of        Law HardenED  young SOBs

OT, you’ll win more than naught…..Crush the $appL

btw, a 3rd party, Socialist, would be our pro bono, first client.


my “Reverse  Blacklist of McCarthyism”                                                                                               //                                    …kids look up reaction to mcCarthyism==dad??’s=hypocritical?    world condemnation to this day….yet..Seige Heil twerkED

Commie Prop/agenda\ to weed out the Infidel$

===Pocket Poo(L)==is Fool, $enδr====



L-hat’$ …  Nut’zzz …Roseanne Roseanna Hann a…………Job ????  ?? ?

How can U Defend Trump..?.. Lost Re: $peck…

$ pine   ????  ?? ?

===AF==thru March===Trump had an Affair with  ?…Tom Arnold==that’s knot funny…hey neither are they !===



====Batman to Pitcher…                     ..Nice Glove.

Let’s see your Best !



first, i love ya.s  Half    ?…..  H    aLL

the Freshman 15 is heavy…everywhere,how,now,no cow, wholly                     ……i can only imagine

be ready for SOph Bump…..GTP



…..bars DT are cattle callzZz…

…no deep thoughts…..thoughts are devil’s merry-go-round

……Alcohol. …..boobs and some girls  …... 6’s & 7’s

========  weed, else …….. nice chair==    ζ  =====