You,ApproachingMe..cuz .i can’t approach y’all knowz… hutz happen[inga] !?!. [xo]..T&C.! ?.. ?! So U Sure?Clean?Surer?In..Cum..umm.. Con/Collusion..~ Live, it’s Wednesday in the N…

Noon…..u thought …………….   =⊗==/Air/==⊗==               Nude


………….you Pervs.


=====i am===











======I ………..knoW ……..










.  Æ   l==xXx ==l   …. Ο = Θ    =     ===



how do comics deal with jokes they can’t tell  for self that like stupid  ???


Ultra “Radar O’Reilly” mode  @ ( April Tool’s Kay )


==========C-sheLL-C == =∏ ……./      /  \……….\==Ï


=⊗==/Air/==⊗==   Kaos, downtown DC monday morning last as the unemployment office was overrun by a bunch of hooligans trying to  ” jerk the system ” like the Lest of em….. with ….fake a$$ White House  LetterheadED thingiEz… they were demanding their right to be ‘a number in the system’. and were quoted as saying ..”..[we]. gave what soul we had to the evil  ∑ and he only used 13 characters to D.Terminate us,

F.M…L ……ive .

.it’s Wed under the …..Noon ….                                                                                                                 what “u” do”in” ???..


guess whose took a bit mo’ Wit !!

SNL  Shtock  !?!!  Speaking  Such,,,,






===    Bubble     ∇      Jenga   ====B-anywhere …elves===

Doesn’t New York $uck Enuff, Already !

=====… CPO Sharkey====anybody come to mineD===

the character dice/rickles the name sharkey,,,,,,,, thump hates them  …   danger will robin∑===Chief Dick trickL PETTY  hiccup)  Officer= you can’t make that irony soup



Fuck Wall Street, just another Wall to prop again/////$T

i tell ya, i don’t get any respect let me tell ya..

                      My  fiance,e .um fiancee.   Due Date, she’s Ace, a Gem…. 

how you doing honey,?  …/   “Fine”   /$20/ …that’s my life, Pay the                                                                   FINE

i  took her to get a ring and the counter girl looked at .me.. turned to  her.. in disbelief ….sez…Lady, we don’t make rings big enuff to fuck him..have you thought about glasses..

====I Tell Ya….==No Respect==<tie adjust>===

feel like Hellen Keller after her parents “redecorated”


What did you learn at Spring Break ????

Thanks Nation for Givin’ Homies.. Prop..Perspeck

===///////////////We …Know   now also////////////////


They can’t be happy as if they feel with the Pardons Trump’s been giving out these last weeks… saved 115 % on court  fees

Pardon me,,,,,Grey PooP On top O’ the..W….L…..H   \   eap                                                   ..,,,yepp they ∀  have knowledge () of shennanihands                      (ℑ) , ex.  devil’s in the d~e~tail~s [thieves] ~daz~e


Yo,     ??   Young Power Play  !?!?  [You Are The Leaders]

Solutions KNot Business  $$ Solutions $$$$$

Always===Liez==On=== Heat ⇔ street==Follow Rolling Coin=

You cannot like what you see or the common sense failures ……………………….of the…. B __ RespectED

==i wanna thank all my donors for helping me afford a deluxee apartment in the “$KKY”

====Equality a walking….maybe itty now..C======C…………/    \….

===NSA==I Am Sorry !==My Chad…bad==EZsign here x ______===

Senate G. Earring:

=====Re:pubs=Lickin own vomit off …gross..                                                   please drink responsibly..this has been a PSAA from

back to Fale…..

go to newly ‘purchased’.. beautiful island with natives..aft cup years ..

drunk with sunburn …he drifts off into the twilight of his ….

The.Union  began as a mediation for the…  Palm Trees .and the Vines                                                                  ..GD how’d they find me.?..(how’d you interpret? )

.Solution…. to build a wall around it to keep economy moving….mon=

Vine ?   Vine with

……. ME2

==⇓=how many of these have i writ?==⇓=======

[email protected] accomplish little – which 2 them is DDaiLL..Y? FFail..?IC

at abusing rights and leftists–>$$ and still accomplishing squat, let me tell Jack and all his Flashy T-shirt Suitz.buckyz.. there ain’t no doc ..can fix youz!

==========]Hugs not ….[============


and think we’d go to prison for 20 to life for a                                                    .NSA Letter ReQuest….ion  ? poor favour?            @me.?

oh wait…they don’t even try anysmore to keep any level of dignity to heir ‘investigation”  …. 

====lore… Permanent Detention=?!#=LOTM====




Borders Without Borders…National zZ$ecurityZz                                                                                     in Exchange 4 …..’Order”…???…

Pepsi, pepsi, cheeseburger.. chips chips ..cheeseburger…cheeseburger… COKE.   pepsi chips..

==========YOU come here a lot   ?=====segue==>

Check….cheeseburger .and a coke-a-cola to go !  ….no COKE.   Pepsi

yeah…whateva could you make it pink and fast like your Mother’s  Sausage grinda….

====coke truck drives by====

=======room for 2 more, 21 Plus….——-

-(check)—-Age DiscrimiFascism is Real———

–(check)—Disability ($ocial or Physical) Discrimination========

-(check)-Political View Discrimination / Bullying                                                                                                                   In$inU=Fate~Shun

-(check)-Gender Discrimination..Half Guy/ Half Lesbian ….

-(check)-Sexual Orientation…. Celibation Discrimination


No F’n Check… blame Left maybe moore for duplicity!


..i   miss $anit LTM…Asif

=== saw a Pow-Wow @ Barber place… No Invitass==RSVPc===

====I Will Not “Approach” anyone under 23…for Shame                        unless you show me shameless beauty  @@

====C me…Whatt??? .. please take those chips off your shoulders….cuz there’s No Game until you Ante-Sup !

WTF 4th Qtr. back at own 42 1st DDown...15:00




I can’t wait to C ,,,,,

Aye, Young Karl Marx wasn’t liked in “budding” fascist Germany.. Eisenhower   (i don’t have a reason for shining a light on dwight… righty-O  )


also, can’t wait to C-2


Death of Stalin    buscemi rules