satired Biden;; So…. .. . “my plan is working… muahhhhhh.” Texas needs Dems.

ring ring ringtone       \\Well//


newspaper opened to op/ed


lettuce see what the Republicans have been saying ’bout US.


[  ‘Hang’em  gLow.   ‘]


Ditto. / (hung up)\



#####Republican Mirror Fling ##########


///  // /        calls back  Collect..    from shoe phone.

?     kiss my picture :     live on 6 pm news.

saying       Republicankkknott’ obV

Cash Chamber opens…. money floating ..

monty Stall.



ij  $$$  

    Remember Trump’ Daily Doubles

Rematches  with the dream            

D.A. Monkkkey ‘on His Shoulder’

soon……   “brownie /FEMA find$ You.”

‘deal or back to your wheel’


WHO thinks Texas Should get 100% Disaster Relief ? / GOOD/.

Texas hates WHO!  here we go agRin.