trump WN∞nL update with your (role)-((xxx)), Boston Powers. oh..we have movement in the bathroom studio..WFI…..[i rule] twat: Must be more, and fairer, companies to get out the WORD!//// // / ¢, Hips moved towards Pot….. (All In!!,!) Si(R)…V, -ED by the Best, uV

trump WN∞nL update with your (role)-((xxx)), Boston Powers. oh..we have movement in the bathroom studio..WFI…..[i rule] twat: Must be more, and fairer, companies to get out the WORD!

//// // /

¢, Hips moved towards Pot….. (All In!!,!) Si(R)…V, –ED by the Best, uV

=Mr. PT barnum u…….tin,————————>                                                                    i like my beer tootin==and my Ale, Red as U=






abbie-sent-ya ? ‘¢’ rony





a/n _raq-n/a phobia

arRogue ‘nu’an¢e

autistic [aud a$$ –itty]

auto-neurotic // to erotic ?  ¿You ‘n_u’,     leave



Twitter Needs More #CowBeLLa

====FU   ‘T’====


======Retro ==est.  1999, AMS (11 weeks)======

Thee Waive(R) to \Shock the Doc\, trinity + motel are … ∀liens also…sh

d..d..d…ail….Y ? ALOTBSOL, 

abcd\  mon…sn……\………….E’nu’..”F”,”F”


Kno More Funtime, (unbelievable).. 

… I’m Kraken Downey !







































[   auto-pil..ot

omg ?? on coco pilot ?