of Diss and Dat@.. Free Ali…ty
========[Angry Bird]=============
21 has gott’em WorriiED.
Beggin’ 4 22
Their WHeil Plan rests on 21+ being browbeaten into alcoholic esteem.
if not, the frats will work hare magic tonsil$
====== to ‘bait, ¿ & (R)elease… with tracking…
i’m just saying
i’m obeying…
DA only one of us greyhounds.
no collusion on citizen $ide… gov collusion, i am disabled.
Uncle Sam SR.
©an be sued for RICO proto©ol
summertime clothing equals all the info i need besides ID
the cops have inferred since day 1, 21+, no probs.
so, any static ,,,, kkknot handled appropriately…… ….LUV Ya, _ _ $teamroll___ of angry knewt’ moms with info about the big RIG going doWn.
Would also see where legalities really extend …. an Olive Branch
class action needs…. enrollment numbers…. !chaka khan!
[Baby cakes] in oven….probably not but poke the’Bruin
Hut …Bog,
if little else to gain in this FAcade of an
American … DDream, //free agency begins hen ?
American … Excellence, // Negligee & ¢
#Mother of Superiority
the more 21+ that aren’t terrified of GOV….
that’s Power.
Bernie Talk:
Free Edu.. equals a lifetime of Plum Choice$