Bright Situation, Bright Beginnings.
I got way more than enuff
©elluoid Heroi¢$
2 fillibu$tERR current red flagg$ 4 contexting
for 2+ more years of CoweR Decryer of $calia EyeWea(R) // DeepFriar of Pork Jellies
Resist Bigotry, Intolerance …
—————————-great wall of Fenway
Mist third ..#!%!….Buffoon, Si(r)
HeHe thought his defrocked toup was third base….., wow never heard of that one b4 folks…. Guess who’s Bullsitting on third with the ball..game..
collateral, you all are his…
freedom of H,L& J
simple plan man.
com’po’ mizzze_then.
(R)e: Preparation G-I..completED ?
on the WH—oleo’
can you keep takin’ on Immigrant Water ?
Bale..Bail,,,,Bay GaLore
// Love
penalty in India for cow tipping 90% ….. 90°