‘Space’. . . . Distancing the Haters`
CA, NV, GA,AL,TN,,..OR, WA, IL, OH, ME, RI, NJ, .MN, WI, .NE, MI, DE, MD, Dakotas, Caros,__/-?/—-
==carolina$. ==> 9 billion for ya. ____\. . . . . . . . . /___ liberty hell
at Liver.ty Hell, we know a thing or 2 or even 4
we Seen it..$HeenED it …..Ultimately Erased Zzzit with ONly a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $$$ ———–> Mile
====SB 53======> weird game … flow,,~ =======
SunShine on my Head on my Shoulders makes me …..SappY
full…mon destin vacate. shun moog L.
==meantime===>hint… Cheap burders sWoon===>
Congrats to The Organization.
what will become of .edu amherst ‘heil’… after Hampshire becomes Umass Amherst’s Annex …. free thinking….pawn
hard left k__noty Liquor
Africa, is on My… couplet bucket list…..
Drive Cross-Country ? /// length of Stay!!!! rental? uber? location!
i seem to be surrounded by
Cognitive Dissonance, gym ? Nat’$$$Z * * z *** z *****
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ∴. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Kkkeep A Kkknockkkin’….. . ∏
Hello, mr. and mrs. Justice .!… I kk_no your in there ‘laughin from your ……di$$onance.
plea$ call for………. HymLer….oop$.. .$chumer & McConnell
ever notice NewS ‘north east west south’ ?
what a sleep..haters just for mentioning much needED 18 hours with minimal breaks..par 4 C.
.wake up and heard this on tv (espn):
‘Hard to play Road games when no-one shows up for Home games’
H…………………………Heard this at the rally:
‘Be so much Easier, if you were a ____ !’
john malkovich was talking to deuce…..
the Empire made the .. … ….. RUg ~~ ⇒
that’s why Hi can still (sic) laugh ⇑ aLway$Z