Pass t*(R(u))$$ian. . . . . . .
+============now ?. ===================
Now,. . . ⇓
==Air WCaves (R)aid==/⇓\=Allied Forces @gainst
Cum-Fort BeDevil Level … FU MF’$$$kkk@@@
Making Δ-©H@NG€ . for a (W)il)D(. ~[RIDe]~ LionL teRrain
[^@~..>,<] my DeaseMal <Back to part 2…?…>
=====with an.. I Ham Snory!. pin on my lapel when i find it…WIAL?!?.
=curio==Social Security Admin.==¢All Me, Maybe ?=
Also, curio for legalese angles utilPrizED
speaking of -ese
1/2 way through a netflix jake G.…// still 10pm sa_ty,,,no L?
love the “die a logue”. arse ty. !. . . & Artsy
yup,. . onta part 2 …..
Land le libatious liberty lozenge
Oasis Stasis <==Rocky Roads.? G.O !?! .==> .Muddy .PittED Hills
i am funked up.. on White.Russians. & Weed (G.C.)
Trump = White Russian…. no cream de la creme,,,,a Black Russian. . . .
. . . . or. maybe a _Harvey |Wall_Banger| $and Pounders
. . . . . . . . . a . . ($om(br)ero). . . .
i believe i Flagg,. . . . Rand Dull ED M’all
Fo€ . . . . . . . intentional grounding
========it’s a pussy move to comment afta leaving.. ===
Almost DDone.
==yes, my probs here were Randall FlaggED
& He Taint* kkkNo Gentile.
LoneliMe$$. ……. (Out)
===Re(IN)$pect the MorLocks…. Ie $.e…(R)aeL==========
here ’til Monday.. . barely fit in those slacks last fright
water retainer… (fish lawyer). . a Dolphin ?
Not getting ‘dressed up’…. agrin ner0
Figure ‘0‘ tivly.
The ..Hottest Bachelor in World~Brook~of~Record~$
treated … Craps. by. $$$ 2- [“1-6”s]
7-11 ∑…. $¢ared of RupeRt* ©u$$. (L)ion$
$hame, …. , of course. . . . . . ??. “kkk(ot)”. . ?
speaking og Rupy
and Trump were propped Stup by Kraft
a. . like..due par Great Humans.
<$hamuS writes in to remind us of..>
thee olde Ace _A_dage. .
Con2$hun say:
YA.Never Ask An ‘Israeli’ A Real Ethi¢$ Question… confuse womb
if $o,. …. Check dear shoelaces,,, if not tied down,,,
batshit is………….. loose
{..? . .me,…. myself,, or …. I ?][ ~ReNeg~~/ \~~[Gauche, I Hate]
me: Kkk-/$$$- NOw . . Comprende. Al Den$e’ Dente
myself: GOAT ?!??
I,I,I : ? GOAT !¡!~| Fuck’N Yuge Yacht@$€€
ignoRe DNGAF
==P. Intention(L) OG Ground$_$k_kRAM ==
=====the Duke… Escape fom NY =======
btw,. .
they live in (r)eality New$i*i Now
set the course 4… Venus. (jesus’s balloon)
=born a===pauper to a pawn===== -EJ/BT?
made DA choice to pLay Mon
2 times a day…jay chuckl
Taxes seem to be the base of capitalism….. photosynthesis of cPsychycle…
(GC) .. what is the most taxing part of acquiescence daily… hourly…
Toll is _Soul ty… i need a drinkkk
goes closes show to a quicky bar for a taste of his mother’s @ss
t** = a religious belief in and obvi. Eternal Dedication $wards..
<((((High (((o)))Anxiety ))))>………Trailer …..