Fire Goodell ! // Fecal Good …….Hell righteO AL ?!?

ImPeach $Punk_keY__Lie_P∇ ]pirouette[ ..WHo threw those Pies ?]


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==================one of my fave thoughts===

Whenever something bad happens to dem or kkkno*t* ME.

they come up with things like  free bacon thursdays… triple artery pudding pi… in a $5 Bowl

my point is more a NeuroTypical curiousity..

How does this make YOu Feel ?

Where does it get tossED ?


obv. a die die we don’t want to change…attiLude


K,,, “only me”

fall asleep downtown noho… made sure there was no snow emergency light on…..


wake up to my car MO=v=IN…… up on a ……

ko_,  ….

me pounding on my window looking for my keys….to put my window down to open my door also

end of morning total……

$54 ‘tow lift’ fee    

$25 parking ticket

+  another $15 parking ticket…… which i decided to stay in the spot all morning on my …….. bonus round

$94 ‘D-ticket’ ride


========single, 21ˆ=======¿===fit and play the fiddle======