CHee$y…..How can a US Citizen WHiz ConstituitionL Writ$ ¢.Rackkk.Err$

… have a case trial happen without my  input nor even knowledge.

–//–bar ∀$$ociationS,,,,,, 

fbi,cia, other UncheckkkED Balan¢e Buster $  cZ∀(R) complicit//—

*transparent CIA   …..when does the Pi.. Pentagon become Mine ?


was i considerED a hostile witness without counsel.




i blogged that

i can’t even google prop$$$

elementary freewill is eliminated by richie  brichEZ

cockkk blockkk Wing of gop/dem/ kkk   EPA,                                                                                                      Establi$Hdement Presence in AmoricaL


=defendant unnamed== eliminates the T(R)u $¢0pe of the Time$=


DesPicable US$a duEZ


it wit’s like they shiLL

can kkknot bbbAdd  Mitt the A  Hole in Heir G-Love

========admit D—Feet were made 4 Walkin’…


You BO$$ed & (L)o$t*…. D.A. A CCo$t*…. integrally your                                                                                        KkkRepU..Hate. O’FUn


my press conference could be Epic !



i wanna thank……..


kim… kardashian’s worth A Bullion


how would that in com$p_i(Re) to my unsolicited reality videos pix

diss¢u$$ … ]Throne[


take me to your ……... sue chief


No Justice.. Kkknow Piece


i’m trying to  sssurvive U Call us Fuckkk$


