I’m FirED, You’r(R)e Fired.. the (WH) .…whole Algorithm is Out O-O
everybody sang… A-O
======wow,,,, Out==hanging by a finger and a …t==
player intros; // ooopsy… i switched tv from comp to cb$
nice job … SD play when i get dare.. loltm
can you tell AFC play this year is $u$pect***
play your worst… DAMN wingo/// keep t*Ab$$$ and even flow… IJ$
============hail mary jane=======
¿ or am i eating some bad food==============
or SD knew when i was on and had a…..play had a play…
jsaying ….
they are ¢ounter progRAMming
damning of ∑ alot
back to fee ality
kids know R W
game con dover <i didn’t highlight condo 4 21 Seasons>
===antithesis===MaryJane You Ignorant $lut !
did it 4 females all..so
sd the gfy was a toke.. //.you read my teleprompt agrin..
interesting developments…..
trust is relative to what you have 2 bleu
nice 2 play ciantrixie // like rubio cubicL$ ==> monster,
in the end it’s lawyer$$$
=======muff punt============
he pulled it back <patriot on recovery>
caught in air physic al amazing ! guts! carefree !
Beer 4 ingrediants
weed seed //// mother nature
they had a play there once was a play maybe the laziest play in los angeleese … the dude
=====1/2 time===SD=======adjust men ! ya think?
me? me? on a Hot Reek
bueno comment… nyuk \\ moe’s commercial
rolling fatties since…….
=====sorry about this….. ==========’Playoffs’ – Mora==
i write meme$…. think memes ….
super two per$$
that may be the lawyer who i saw —– ?? what is the name of the law firm… i may have to watch TV… say something good.
======a2m ——-> aws=======
like that moxie
=pats rule=====
gonna stop for game /piling mon\
balls…i only worry about females with d o
stay in my lane…. k tat s no comma
// math rules reality sci
piling on… running up score … 11-0
on the level
schematic design fog
coaching, effort, luck, pers
========self ie.===========
i’m a victim of circumstan¢es outta my pay level
=========Grade: II.==============
——————-massage this week————————
selfie out;
divine assist my a$$et!
=========civil commotion? =====geico, maybe?=======
off to….. i’ll ask ya ?!
December was a —- lull—to a bye
=====⇓===interstate towing commercial================
drive scare factor bump y
==========camel sez what ?? ?===========
YUCK! my (onion)
==========livin 0n a lottery ticket=============
+++++++++++++++++++ford commerceL+++++++++
looks like they’re moving a facade town…. Rock Ridge ???? ?? ?
=here’s your quarters or ..dimes….way back when=
die hard sequel had the quarters!
—-philly V. new orleans—tbd once again…. no Amazonian DungL
—–that a racist rims joke verizone
Yes yes, yesssssssssss 60 min . …99% AI …socialism
ignore at YO(R).
mellville a ,,,, sir [ bigger boat]
=====boom shacka tygn.==========