Feds… (girls.please..come forward for your country) vs. Trump Tower Chica(r)..go


===he has to be stopped..===============

sorry if my previous ignorance hurt feelings….

[mj /glove   propping  haters                                                                                                                              … have a nutter drink ya delusional hippo$.

=========yes, parents..scary that the next generation has way more info..thus POwer than you EVE   \  …  (r)        would

my gift is this…

i’m not necessarily blogging for myself.

…. SHocking the World AWAkE ….

they will all thank ME

Peace ….just do it  !


gotta distance myselfie NOW


way too long.. short wick   i ment! marrying a 15yo in this day and ………..AGe


i have stoppED playing his mu..sic


I’m nice, respectful, courteous kind, O..bed, cheerful, real thrifty, …

====bottom ____===I Am a Love Hunter, not a Pred….========

don’t worry,  did Hef hide in his mansion…18+ young girls everywhere..Not a Criminal……..?

i on the ‘hand’   have been Hate ified !


10:10am ….. miss ya, mom !

=======4 tears aghost?================

Are you ready.?.. I’m Ready…
