421… mouth or myth ?? ¢arrie.. ¢are & BleachED
little cause rewind repL
=======\ A /=========\ X /==========I
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the little things i remember…
2 girls seemingly imitating count olaf’s sidekick twins…
…. (yadda yadda)¹….. ⇔ (i liked the crickets)²!
=======F(R)oxy & caught, mon Fiend$ =====
Fox‘S UniVision …….. ======>>>> >> > $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$.99
Change ¢ha⇑⇑eL
======= ……. I+I …… ========
. \
The Movie……… ‘UHF’
Things that Make You Go……….mmmmm
If i had a dog or cat……. u thinkin What IJ$
========moral [kkk] itty========