Birthday [pickkkled BoLogna AND cheese] in ~5 days.


in The Hell

With The Smart Cart

I am sorry, just laughed when I saw one and thought how huey would have a

Field || Day || Goal

If they are who I thinkkkk they R.


T2020ad: [(He’s Doing It Again])……..

     &&&&& Only Really if Big Biz wIns Twin$.00

Btw,     with no construction obstruction at any level of corr

Hence money goto; Rich’ buy land” build cheap”” …

Shock Doctrine EZ P@$$

⌊ yob$ gala ⌉

“GrandFather ¢lause.TL Creators, ……….

                                     CYnic might say they back..log these projects for;

RepUbli¢an Ingenuity.

 R ¢@!n Engine