Tokkking Gunn, Tommy…is. . . . [btw, Trope, I ……..Cra$$ ¢alll me]


my perceptions are pointed..

did the M.Media under go ‘psych talks’

about dealing with me and

. . . . . . . . . my Hater$ of

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¢ompetition. . . 

. . . . . . . . .  untie my chains

my day of judgement







===&=back to the media……

duplicity training. #multiplicity and keep calm-ah




WHen ?!.. &. why >Exactly<?  


=======⇑===ij$, they G.O.  remotely gotta be $hakin.  FU$$_==

and when i ‘say’. . . ……i MEAN.  ⇓ Way ⇓


My hater’s cannot sympathize …

………….? with a guy who never ‘CELEB’—Valentines Day–¿—-

that is not fixable!


===got a root canal to  achey bakey. cakey ....( can’t smoke)

tooth is broken  close to nerve ==.

veggie monster ?


warm/cold oatmeal ….. passe’D

//B’s/ beat rice pilaf the SF treat

was my valentine talk an ‘underground’ _____ 

 am i still ‘underground’ ?. ie. intentionally GroundED by GED+$

btb,. . . round ≈ Vrooom Vrooom


 Think trumpet blow$ fuses  of bitterness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  cuz he ‘chose’ to lead the  Wrong. . . . . . . . . .  ‘banana (R)epublic’…..

Venezuela. HEHe so wants to appoint himself. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (u kkkno$ also),

bra,. he fits the psyche-typo. .(R)eligios….itty

//too late…1.  $addam 12.  where are you car 54?.


u……..k?.   people, people

i’m just trying to think outside my 4 walls.  mainstream media  …head shrink in chsrge must have gotten a lot of questions… about situations….on-air and off & how best to toke… stoke… $troke …..the  _hole base……… to gel ……oh,. . a lasting emo






i wanna apologize to any and all peeps i offended at SW Untopped show by not STFU.. the cramped seats didn’t help butt big butt ultimately me and my partner , weed were to blame…ME

so, i … am Working on. . . . . . .   it,,,W

=but will avoid most live comedy==

=too close to my soul=to be silent —

t.act out less.. lacka oat,meal naf! cept cookie. . .  monster is Veggie Monster… schoolED




 Massages are  a sort of soul cleanser, mind-straighten-err

aligns the mis-


‘  ¬  ′  readjust spine  ‘ — ‘ . . . . ‘ ___’    |,I.i.  . . . . . . . . . . .iiiiian not ‘Ean’, M. . .. .  Ian {Purr-Affect} STAte

i have one a scheduled later this week….

=====out here o’

Feels …. like I’m

Integrating Partial Differential Equations . . . ‘ =  ‘

by. . .° . . . .  Darts. 


OW……. L   






thigh ! 


AIPAC: Social security foundational empire security,,… Liberties of US∀ are kkknott items for discussion ..,too small to kefilta../ fi$….H

is not israelis call on ‘my 10¢.  tropey tyvm


How Does an Israeli get $ecu(R)ity ¢learances ? AIPAC

who let all of the riff-raff into the room ?

=====one or the odda. …..======wally world or a vacation life hear..

u make the call ? ====== non  overlapping sets… green card mention loyalty….. ijs…who the fuck are you ?

Palestinian$ Don’t Account ?

except as  Infidel$, Like AIPAC

_ould you like to kkK$NO_ $ome ‘&’ Mre ?. ¿ W•re


Sweet Child In the Fields f Soldiers